Weekly Update - Kailee Wright
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Weekly Update


dress heels + similar phone case + pop socket

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So another week has flown by and we are thrilled its the weekend! Saturday is usually when I post the Instagram Roundup. I mentioned last week that since I’ve been sharing a weekly update on the family, in addition to the past weeks Instagram links, I decided it makes more sense to call it our Weekly Update! It will still include all the details you are used to, with an added update!

As you might know…my little sister had her baby!! They named him Brooks Hunter McCann. And I do have to say I feel like I named him. haha. Because Brooks had been one our names for years. So when we were done having babies Kenzie said they were going to use it and I couldn’t be more proud. And little “baby brook” (as Houston says) has got to be the cutest thing ever!! Also the little people keep asking if we will have another baby and joe and I keep telling them we are DONE!


t-shirt  |  jeans (my most FAVORITE pair ever)  |  slippers

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The house is just about finished so it is really starting to feel like home. Its  been so nice to have a little break from having workers in and out of the house. Although we still need to install all of the barn doors throughout the house, and finish up the office, but I needed a break from it all to keep my sanity! I’ll be sharing detailed reveals of each space starting this next week! In the meantime I shared a bunch of the links you’ve all been asking for on Friday in my Favorite Finds post!

We start speech for Houston Monday. We have been working really hard on practicing letter sounds + the basics. I hope that this will be the extra help he needs so he can start progressing a little more. Harper is officially taking multiple steps in a row and I can’t handle it. The little people love cheering her on!

We are all so excited for Valentines Day! I impressed myself and am happy to say I already have Joe’s gift! He is in charge of our date night and I can’t wait for some one on one with him! If you are looking for some gift ideas for your man, I quizzed the men in my life and shared the best here earlier this week! Also I shared my favorite out of the box ideas for women HERE! Hope your all having a wonderful Saturday.

xx kails


beanie jacket top jeans boots

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sweater  |  jeans  |  slippers  ||  harper headband  |  top (similar)  |  bottoms 

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top leggings similar tennies  |  sunnies

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baskets towels

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jacket top joggers tennies

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seven + eleven =

  1. Great post, Kailee! Could you tell me what size you are wearing in the black turtleneck skater dress, and if it runs TTS?


follow along @kailee_wright