Summer Date Night Ideas - Kailee Wright
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Summer Date Night Ideas

dsw reebok

joe’s top + shorts + shoes  ||  my top + skort + shoes

How often do you and your significant other get a date night in? While we try to make it a priority, busy schedules and 5 little people can make it tricky!! Summer date night options are some of my favorite because they are just so simple and seem easier to fit in without a lot of prep. So since we are trying to do better at fitting them in, I thought I would share some of our favorite ideas for some inspiration!

walmart men

joe’s top + jeans + flip flops  ||  my top + pants + sandals + bracelets


: Ride scooters downtown (use the lime app)

: Play Pickle Ball

: Go for a walk around the neighborhood together. Sometimes we will knock on a friends door and just stop to chat or they will join our walk.

: Ice Cream in the car or park and just talk

: Go to a Baseball Game

: Late night kid free swim

: Go on a Hike

: Workout together before the kids wake up or after they go to sleep.

: Go Shooting

: Go on a Bike Ride

: Outdoor Concert

: Grab takeout and take it to the park or somewhere you love outside

: Go boating, kayaking, or paddleboarding

: Go to an amusement park at night kids free

: Mini Golfing

: Check out local food trucks

: Tube down the river


Now I want to hear your favorite date night ideas so we can add them to the list!! Leave them as a comment here or over on Instagram so we can share them!

Shop the Post
Men’s Reebok Tee
Men’s Reebok Shorts
Men’s Reebok Training Shoe
Reebok Crewneck Sweatshirt
Mini Skort
Reebok High Top Green

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