10 Things About Me - Kailee Wright
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10 Things About Me

Kailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot Shirt

top  |  jeans  |  booties  |  sunnies  |  clutch  |  bracelets

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You always want a few statement items in your closet — like a polka dot top for example, haha! Or how adding a brightly colored or different print clutch can take a plain simple outfit to the next level and pull it all together. Statement items are so fun and can change the look of any outfit. I’ve rounded up a bunch of the best statement items from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale below!Kailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot Shirt

Don’t forget the Sale ends in just 5 days. They have still been restocking sold out items here and there – which is crazy + great ! You can see a bunch of my favorite pieces from the sale HERE along with all my dressing room finds + sizing details HERE!! I also did a few posts about “items under $100” and “items under $50“.

Also, I thought it would be fun to spice the post up a bit and add a few fun facts that many don’t know about me:

  1. i love vacuum lines on my carpet…like loooove them.
  2. coached high school cheer for over three years.
  3. knew I was going to marry Joe at age 13 – crazy right?!
  4. i got my hunter safety license at age 12 and would go deer hunting with my dad when I was younger — you couldn’t pay me to do this now!
  5. love oreo blizzards from dairy queen and seriously ask for the employee to make them BLACK — with extra extra oreo’s.
  6. have to have chocolate Nesquik powder on my vanilla ice cream – always.
  7. obsessed with organizing…like down to my sock drawer and kids pencil (if they would let me).
  8. i’ve been a hair stylist for the past 16 years.
  9. always knew I’d have four little people (haha. not sure what happened there)
  10. i like to eat baby food peaches with quesadillas….yes real baby food

Okay now tell me something about you that most people don’t know!! Really I want to read these + hope you all have a great week!!

xx – kails

. . best STATEMENT items from the NORDSTROM SALE  . .

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Kailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot ShirtKailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot ShirtKailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot ShirtKailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot ShirtKailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot ShirtKailee Wright_Nordstrom Anniversary Sale_White Polka Dot Shirt

photos: corissa ann


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