Spring Break Beach House - Kailee Wright
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Spring Break Beach House

my: cover up + here + here  |  hat + here  |  sunnies  |  suit + similar here  |  flip-flops

hudson: swim trunks old — similar here + here  |  rash guard + here  .  houston: swimsuit

girls: cover ups old — similar here  |  swimsuits  |  beachmate buckets


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Anyone on Spring Break right now?!! I wish we were again. I’m finally getting our Spring Break pictures up from our trip in Delmar. A bunch of you asked how it was and how the little people did + about the beach house!! So hopefully this will help.

I’m usually a planner and have our vacations completely organized a few months in advance! But for some reason I couldn’t decide or get this one done. The night before we left Joe was over my “indecisiveness” and just booked a last minute beach house through Airbnb. I knew our little family needed this time away so badly to bond again, and for Joe and I to be away from home + give the little people our 100% attention. (when I’m home I’m doing laundry, or noticing something needs cleaning, or we’re doing yard work, etc) I wanted a place I knew the kids could play 24/7 and not get board or want to play their iPads — and the beach is that perfect place for our family. If I can give one suggestion or tip it would be to book a beach house last minute because the rate is almost HALF of what it normally would be!! Hence the reason we went!! Haha. We actually saved a lot of money by not eating out and with a baby it was so nice to be able to lay Houston down for a nap and sit on the back porch and watch the big kids play in the ocean!!

We had less then 24 hours to pack for five people and a baby (you mama’s know ALL that stuff you need for baby) get to a work event, clean the house, grocery shop for the meals at the beach house, pack all the kids favorite beach toys including our Beachmate and have another set of luggage for everyone to head to Utah as soon as we got back from Delmar. It was a bit crazy but so worth all the stress!!

Continued below…
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The beach house we stayed at mentioned they had a few sand toys for the kids, but I was worried that all the shovels and buckets would be broken — and I was right. I’m so glad we ended up bringing our Beachmate bag because the kids played for hours in the sand!! They were constantly shoveling sand from here to there and no stop collecting seashells with all the three small Beachmate buckets. We honestly use it everytime we go to the beach! I go alone a lot as Joe is working most of the time so my rule is whatever the kids and I can carry is all the goes with us. The Beachmate bag is one large bucket with a few smaller buckets that all nestle in each other! The little people love that they each can have their own bucket and I love that there is no fighting. It has a place to hold your towels (I love their turkish lightweight towel here), two shovels, a small cooler to pack lunch for the day,   and lots of little pockets on the outside for extra baby items, my phone and more. So of course this bag goes with us everytime!! Ahhhh, it still feels like a dream — take me back!!

We had an absolute blast as a family, making sand castles almost everyday, watching movies, body boarding, making dinner together and not having to run anywhere or be to any sport or activity. It was so refreshing! If the beach is your people’s happy place (like ours) I would highly suggest a “not planned” vacation for a few days. Best decision we (or joe) ever made!! Hope all of you on spring break are having a great time!! What are some of your favorite family vacations?!! I’m already thinking of the next one!!


in collaboration with Beachmate

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