spring bags - Kailee Wright
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spring bags



pale pink  |  tan  |  mustard

teal  |  coral + black dot  |  mint green

navy stripe  |  tan fringe  |  coral (it’s reversible)

Happy Monday friends!! So the husband + kids were beyond sweet and got me this pale pink purse for Mother’s Day!! I might have slightly freaked out!! All I have to say is that it’s the perfect size + the color is even better in person + I love the long strap shoulder strap!! I rounded up a few more fun spring / summer purses that I think are just darling + I have been eyeing…like this tan fringe one for only $28 and I am dying to snag this REVERSIBLE coral tote…it’s like to purses in one! You just can’t beat that + the price is amazing!! I always love adding a little more color to my outfit for just changing up my purse for the week. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, and I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!!


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