Skin Care Routine - Kailee Wright
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Skin Care Routine

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Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare

Green Apple Peel  |  Anti-Wrinkle Overnight Cream  |  Anti-Wrinkle Booster Serum  |  Instant Eye Lift Mask  |   Anti-Wrinkle Moisturizer

I learned about Juice Beauty at a conference back in April and I instantly was interested in the brand and what they were all about. The more I learned about their skin care line the more I fell in love. It’s completely organic based + all natural and safe for your skin.

So far, my favorite skin care product is the Green Apple Peel! It’s seriously something I can’t go without! It makes your skin feel tingly and like its just cleaning out all the bad stuff in your skin.

I’ve never been very good at sticking to a skin care routine and I tend to get off track within a few days. For some reason at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is wash my face — please tell me I’m not the only one that feels this way?! However, since I started using Juice Beauty products I haven’t missed a day and I actually look forward to doing my nightly routine because of how great my skin has been feeling! (I also have been setting an alarm so I wouldn’t forget) and because I really wanted to see if this would be a product I would love + see a difference in my skin.

Anti-Wrinkle Overnight Cream has been a game changer for me. All other night creams I have used in the past have been super thick and greasy. This cream feels so good + light on my skin and I don’t wake up feeling all oily in the morning.

Of course, with me turning 30-something this month, haha, I’ve been really thinking about my skin and wanting to do everything I can to help prevent winkles and just start taking better care of it. The Anti-Wrinkle Booster Serum has been another favorite of mine. There are SO many products to choose from, but I’m taking baby steps and just start out with a few.

Okay now we wouldn’t be friends if I didn’t tell you how crazy good this Instant Eye Lift Algae Mask + activator is!! At first I was a bit doubtful + Joe totally made fun of me when I wore the little eye masks for the first time — but wow!!! They really instantly gave my under eyes an instant lift (after wearing them for 10 mins) but the refreshing feeling your skin feels is unbeatable.

Also, the one thing I’ve been using faithfully in the morning before I put on any make up is the Anti-Wrinkle Moisturizer. I’ve been using this under my make up for a light-weight hydration for my skin. This summer here in SoCal has been so dry and this moisturizer as been a life savor for my skin.

So far I feel like this is all I have time for…or all that I can remember to put on. I really don’t want to look 70 at age 45 – you know?! haha. I might be late to the game but at least I’m trying right? What are some of your tried and true products or skin care tips?! I’d love to hear them!!

xx – kails


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Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_SkincareKailee Wright_Juice Beauty_SkincareKailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_SkincareKailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare Kailee Wright_Juice Beauty_Skincare in collaboration with Juice Beauty

photos: corissa ann

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  1. Hi Kailee! I love reading your posts! Thanks so much for All of the information you provided to us! It amazes me that you can do all of it and still raise four beautiful children! I too have recently been more concerned about beauty products that I use on myself and my child. We eat so organically, yet what we put on our skin (the largest organ) we don’t monitor nearly as much. Looks like you have you skincare covered, but if you want to look at switching make-up and for safe, Chemical free options for your children, take a look at BeautyCounter. Safe and amazing products for the whole family!

  2. How do you get your hair in a cute ponytail like that?! I have tried ten zillion times to get this look and it never works. Do you have any tips? Thank you!

    1. Jillian!
      you are so sweet!! I seriously just threw this one up to wash my face. I’ll have to do a post soon. I really just poof the top and sides and throw it all in a pony. Thanks for being here + for your suggestion!!

  3. Seems like a great line! I use REDEFINE by rodan and fields for similar reasons but at 1/2 the (total) cost of these items. There is also an option for those of us who want to keep the night steps super simple. 😉 I would love to tell you more about it!


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