Six Postpartum Must Haves - Kailee Wright
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Six Postpartum Must Haves

After five baby’s and loads of products and lots of mistakes, I feel like I’ve learned  a thing or two about what you really need for after baby. Here is a list of my favorite 6 postpartum must haves for mom!! Also, let me know your favorites or any items you can’t live without as I like to ad them to the list!

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Lily Padz : I found these amazing Lily Padz with my second child and I will NEVER go back to normal nursing pads! I love that they stay put + actually stick to your skin. Then you don’t have to wear a bra at night. You can also swim in them too. They last me at least 6 months which makes them even more amazing + I think you save money!

Good breast pump : I’ve gone through 3 breast pumps. We borrowed a low-grade one from a friend with my first baby and then bought an old used one (we are talking 10 years old) Medela pump from a client. I finally bit the bullet and bought a brand new Medela pump with my third and have never looked back!!! It is amazing. I wish we would have just bought it the first time around because a great quality pump can make all the difference when pumping and nursing.

Robe/lounge wear : I seriously live in my robe (just ask anyone I know! haha!) Whenever I’m home I swear I’m always in my robe or on of my pajamas/nightgown. It’s just super easy to nurse in and always so comfy, which as you know I’m always all about comfort.

Belly bandit : I swear this helps take my hips back down + helps me get back to my pre-pregnancy size faster than any other product I’ve used. I wish I would have known about it with my first.

Button ups : Wearing buttons up shirts was my go to with nursing Houston. Just the convenience of not fully having to undress was nice. Plus you have easy access, which comes in especially handy when your out and about and need to nurse or pump asap!

Good nursing bra : This is one of my favorite nursing bras. It’s super soft + comfy, has great stretch + support and I love the quick release clasps for easy access. I really need to find another one so if you have any favorites PLEASE let me know!!

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  1. I bought several nursing bras and Cake has been my favorite too. I tried several that were not supportive enough or too tight. I am a DD when nursing so I need support. The Cake Mousse Contour Plunge Nursing Bra wins for me and my girls.

  2. For those who don’t know, lily pads restrict your milk supply and can cause engorgement.
    I loved lily pads until I quickly realized that. I stick to nursing pads for that reason.

  3. I would say the dockatot is a must have! I don’t understand how not every parent has one!!! It’s expensive but I say a good night sleep is priceless 🙂

  4. Thanks for sharing your essentials! I’m a little over half-way through my first pregnancy… and I’m working on a list of the things I’ll want to have on hand for recovery. I’m certainly going to add those pads to my list! As well as a nice robe/cute pjs. 😉

  5. How do you clean the nursing pads, I just had a baby two weeks ago and got the same pads, I have been washing them with warm water and soap. I’m afraid they won’t stick after a couple of washes. Do you use the special soap they sell for them?

    1. Vanessa!!

      Yes there is a special cleaner I think you can buy online. I also just got mine at target. I also only wash mine like once a day…but mine don’t get that dirty. Hope that helps. If you use the wash it makes them last longer.


  6. Super helpful! For the Belly Bandit, was size do you recommend getting. My pre-pregnancy general sizee was XS, but given I am having twins, should I order a small? How did you decide?

  7. Hi, Kailee,

    I know this is an old post, but I found it while searching on Pinterest for Belly Bandit’s. I am interested in purchasing one, but want to make sure I get the sizing correctly. Any advice there? You look incredible for having five little people!! I want to do whatever I can to get my belly down post delivery and ultimately fit into pre pregnancies clothing. I would appreciate any recommendations. Thank you!

    1. I just based mine off of their sizing guide online, and actually ordered two and then just sent one back because free shipping! 🙂 Hope that helps!


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