Shopbop Sale + Favorite Picks - Kailee Wright
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Shopbop Sale + Favorite Picks

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t-shirt  |  jeans  |  grey booties  |  cardigan (similar here)  |  necklace

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It’s just one of the best SALES of the year…the Shopbop sale! Now is the time to stock up on any winter items you’ve had your eye on, as most items are already on sale like my favorite brown hat that is already 50% off + you can get up to 25% off when you use the code: BIGEVENT16 at checkout.

Above are some things I’ve had my eye on and a bunch I already own + are HUGE staples in my closet! Like these grey booties!! I got two years and still look like new and the the light blue distressed denim . . . I wear a these a few times a week. Haha. I hope your able to snag some of your favorites + I’ll just be drooling over that white + black swimsuit forever!! Thank you for always stopping by + all your support here!!

xoxo . kailee

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