Sharing Our Christmas Decor - Kailee Wright
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Sharing Our Christmas Decor

Kailee Wright -Christmas tree-Joggers

beanie – similar  |  top joggers  slippers  ||  harper headband + pajamas  ||  blanket + here 

. .  shop the post  . .


We are officially in the new house and could not be more excited! It is the best Christmas present we could’ve asked for! As I’ve mentioned here before, we planned on being in the house a lot sooner than how it turned out. With the idea of having family over and spending Thanksgiving + Christmas in our new home, I had big plans for our Christmas Decor!

The first thing I had planned was a new tree in our main room, with all new Christmas decor. I planned on having a beautiful wreath and decorating the banister and mantle to coordinate. I was so excited to have the kids decorate their own tree down in the basement however they wanted. Butttt as you all know, life happens, and things don’t always go according to plan. Moving in just a couple weeks before Christmas had our lives instantly crazy town, and Christmas Decor was put on the back burner.

Kailee Wright -Christmas tree -gatehouse

The more I unpacked, I just kept thinking of the tree. It did not feel like Christmas in our home without it, but I knew I could not add decorating to my never ending to do list. I had already purchased most of the items for my tree from Gatehouse + loved their displays. I went against my usual ways and hired someone to come and help. You guys I could not be happier with how it turned out! Two of their designers came out to the house + I fell in love with both of them! It took them about 3 hours to do both the tree and mantle. They listened to my input of simple + modern and made my vision come to life. It is quite possibly the best money I’ve ever spent and am thinking about doing it next year too!

Our decor turned out super simple, but we love it! It may not be the big dreams I had in mind, but like everything with Christmas, it really is the simple things that matter. Just having a tree was something to bring the holidays in to our crazy life of boxes and unpacking. We have spent just about every night snuggled up next to it reading Christmas books. While things didn’t go according to plans, I couldn’t be happier.

Kailee Wright -Christmas tree-JoggersKailee Wright -Christmas tree -gatehouseKailee Wright -Ugg Pajamas-48Kailee Wright -Christmas tree -gatehouse Kailee Wright -Christmas tree -gatehouse Kailee Wright -Christmas tree-Joggers

photos: aubrey taiese


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