Preparing For 2020 With Our Favorite Planners - Kailee Wright
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Preparing For 2020 With Our Favorite Planners

Kailee Wright North Face Coat

houston’s coat + pants + shoes + beanie  ||  my top + coat + jeans + shoes + beanie + sunglasses  ||  harper’s dress + leggings + shoes + coat + beanie

Welcome back everyone!! I hope you all had the Happiest of Holidays with your people! I love this time of year so much and all the extra time we get to just be together. So so fun! While I’m still definitely in rest + relaxation mode, my organized obsessed brain is thinking ahead to 2020! One of my biggest goals this year is to really value my time and where I spend it. And one of the best ways to do that is with a planner! I know I know, there are so many apps and online calendars you can use these days, but for me there is nothing better than writing it down to make it happen! I love that feeling of checking off a to do list. So with that in mind, today I’ve rounded up my favorite planners, including my go to this year!

Kailee Wright Planner Guide01. erin condren  |  02. rad + happy  |  03. rifle paper co.  |  04. simplified  |  05.  |  06. riley


A friend told me about these planners last Christmas and I am so happy I snagged one. They are 100% my dream planner, because they are completely customizable. You can choose layouts as detailed as hourly and customize vertical and horizontal set up. She also has tons of fun stickers that help you feel even more organized! LOVE LOVE these planners!


If you follow Tara at Rad + Happy, you know that she really is all things happy and sunshine just like her name says. She just added planners this last year I think, and they have been flying off the shelf. The option I love the most is the undated planner. Let’s say you go on vacation and don’t really need to use your planner for a week. Or really only use it during the school year. Tara has solved all your problems because you fill in the dates as you go, never wasting pages. Plus her freaking cute coloring pages are scattered throughout the planner too, making the perfect stress reliever.


These planners are super simple, but still have such a clean “to do list” style layout I love. They always have gorgeous covers too. I think they are perfect if you don’t have a ton of different schedules to manage, but still want to keep you lists and day to day organized.


This is another great option if you have a lot happening in one day, and you want to see it all in one place without the clutter of the rest of the week to distract you. These daily planners show one day per page in an hourly format (with weekends) sharing a page, and have space for to do’s, schedules, meal ideas, and notes. I love the hardbound cover too!


I spotted this cute planner out shopping the other day, and thought it was the cutest simple option for your teen. It doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but just enough for the to keep track of homework, classes, and extra-curricular stuff. Plus what teen girl wouldn’t love that little bit of gold sparkle?!


Last but not this is this Best Year Ever Riley Planner. First of all the cover is so dang cute, but I love that it is a more compact option to take with you on the go and not take up a ton of space. It has just enough space to jot down a few notes and to do’s. I think it would be another great option for a teen/student.

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I hope this gets all your motivated organized juices flowing and helps you prep for an awesome new year!!

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