Our Harper Girl Turns 3 - Kailee Wright
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Our Harper Girl Turns 3

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

my top + jeans + hat  ||  harper’s similar romper here + here + similar top  ||
blanket + art + pillow + nightstand + similar plant

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You guys. I don’t know how it happened, but our sweet sweet HARPER girl is THREE today!! Cue allllll the emotions!! While I am so excited for her and completely in love with her little personality, my mom heart is kind of broken. Every year the first 2 weeks of January are hard for me. I really struggle with a new phase ending, because I know it will be for the last time this time. Everything is just so march harder to see come to an end when you know ti is your last little baby. We’ve been in the some form of the baby stage for 13 years now, so my mom emotions are struggling! But sadness behind, I honestly LOVE seeing Harper grow up and her personality shine. We call her our sunshine girl a lot because she is just that for our family. So I thought it would be fun to tell you some of our favorite things + fun milestones!

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday


I wish you could all have a piece of Harper personality in your home. From her sweet singing around the house, to the funny things that have us all rolling, we can’t get enough of her. Here are some of our favorites about Harper:

– Her tiny voice. Harper loves to sing more than any of my other kids ever have. I am constantly recording her when I can sneak it, because I never want to forget the sweet sound. Some of her favorites are Baby Shark, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and I Am A Child of God.

– She is a little artist. She is currently obsessed with colors and stickers and loves to create everywhere, including on my couch a few times!

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

– Harper is OBSESSED with Joe. It is both the absolute cutest daddy crush, and the saddest thing ever for me! Ha! I want to be the favorite. I will put her to bed and then she will just cry and call for DADDDDDYYY! She loves him so much and I don’t blame her one bit. I think he is pretty great too, and seeing their relationship is the cutest. He is in trouble as she grows up because she has him wrapped around her finger.

-She is the baby and everybody knows it. We always tease my sister Kenzie and still call her baby because she was (and still is) SO spoiled. So now my own kids say the same about Harper. They say they know she will get a new car or anything she ever wants because she is the baby and owns us all.

– Harper still loves alll things baby shark. You would think we would all be so sick of the song, but in her tiny voice and big emotions, it is the best!! If you haven’t seen it, go check out my BABY SHARK highlight on Instagram. You’ll die! She insisted on having a baby shark party again, but since we did that last year, we are switching it up and doing a FLAMINGO party! Can’t wait to show you!

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

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kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday


Ah the milestones are what get me, because it means she is growing up faster than I am ready for!! But all my emotions aside, we are so glad to see she is growing and progressing as normal, and love getting to be a part of it. Here are some of current milestones for Harper:

– She is officially the same size as “big” brother Houston. They are both wearing 4T in pretty much all of their clothes. I get asked at least a few times a week if they are twins, and honestly I still believe they were supposed to be. If you haven’t heard my miscarriage story, you can read it here. After multiple miscarriages, I was pregnant with Houston, and I was actually pregnant with twins. We lost the twin during the pregnancy. My mommy heart believes that Harper was that twin that needed to  come on her own time. They are the sweetest duo and have a relationship and bond like no other.

-Harper is totally finding her voice and it is my favorite!! She talks non-stop and I honestly never want to correct her and tell her how to say words correctly because it is too cute.

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

-We are officially starting to potty train, every parents favorite. She is currently only interested in going potty to get a starburst, and could care less about her big potty prize she picked out, sooooo we will see how this goes! Wish us luck!

-She is registered for PRESCHOOL in the fall and I might die! How did the time go by so fast?!! She is going to love it, and I’m sure after some good cries and chocolate, I will enjoy my mommy time too.

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

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kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

That sums it up for our sweet Harper! She is the perfect last puzzle piece to our family and we all can’t get enough of her!!

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