My Thoughts on Five - Kailee Wright
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My Thoughts on Five

Kailee Wright_Nordstrom_Kids Black Outfits

my dress here  |  sandals  |  necklace  |  bracelets

girls:  hunter dress  (sold out) + converse  |  harper headband + dress  |  hayden dress sandals  ||  boys:  hudson shirt tennies  |  houston t-shirt + joggers tennies

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I’ve been getting a lot of emails (since having Harper) asking how life with five little people is. To be honest it’s not much different than four. (but we were already crazy at that point) haha. Things are still crazy + busy. Adding our sweet little Harper has helped us all slow down for a second, and enjoy her sweet spirit.

The older kids have really stepped up and helped out SOOO much since Harper was born. Hunter can fully feed, make a bottle, change bums, and put both babies to bed. If Hudson is there to help – those two have been my lifesavers!! Really I don’t know what I would have done without them. Especially since the first 7 months of Harper’s life we didn’t live by any family.

Hunter has started tending here and there when Joe and I have no way of juggling schedules or are dropping off little people at practices or games. We started out slow and would let her take over responsibilities while we were home. Then slowly let her watch one sleeping baby while I ran to the grocery store or to pick someone up.

I can’t believe how old the kids have gotten. The three of them are now off to school. Hayden is only gone for 2.5 hours. With just two babies  at home its been so fun to just enjoy them and watch them start to play together.

It’s bee nice since we moved to Utah as Joe has had more time off than before + he actually gets off early on some days!! We are able to spend more time with him and do more things all together as a family which has filled my cup to the brim!!

The older kids have kept us even more busy since we’ve moved here. Joe and I are always running around and juggling the kids schedules – taking to soccer and football practices, swimming lessons, soccer and football games (that sometimes run at the same time). We try to have one parent to each of their games if possible or I have been able to call my sisters or brother in laws in desperate times.

I feel like I can just get a  handle on things for one second and then everything changes again!! Babies stop sleeping, the older people get moody, we change  sports or dance, Joe has a really tough/busy month of work or I do and then I feel all lost and crazy. I honestly don’t think anyone ever has it together all the time…we are all just trying to teach our people the right things and enjoy the journey as we go.

I’d love if you’d share any of your tips for trying to keep it all together. OR any struggles you’ve had as a mother. I love this community so much. I am always uplifted and inspired by you all!! It’s comforting to know we are not alone. More than likely someone else has experienced what we are going through. I hope you know I am an open book and I try to share our joys along with our struggles here in this space. Thank you for always being here!!

xx kails

these pics were taken at the Museum of Natural Curiosity — which my littles LOVED!!

Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural CuriousityKailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity Kailee Wright_Museum of Natural Curiousity

photos: corissa ann

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  1. How old are your kiddos and what are the age gaps between them?? I’ve been following you for a few years now, love your stuff!

    1. Hi! They are Hunter (almost 11), Hudson (8), Hayden (6 this week), Houston (2), and Harper (8 months this week)! Thank you so much for following along! Love hearing from you!

  2. Kailee! You are A M A Z I N G! My two are 6 and a half (Aaliyah) and 2 (Dominic) and I swear to you, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind most days. How you do FIVE babies is beyond me. You are a super woman! I would love to have a coffee with you one day and pick your brain on EVERYTHING! lol

    You are truely someone I admire (all the way from Sydney, Australia) and enjoy watching your babies grow into beautiful little people.

    Much love to you guys

    1. Oh Maree! You are too sweet and giving me way too much credit! Most of the time I’m losing it and do not have it all together! Thank you so much for your sweet words and for being part of this community! Love hearing from you!


follow along @kailee_wright