Life Update - Kailee Wright
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Life Update

I figured it was time for a new life update!! Life has been crazy and I can’t believe it’s almost November!! I’m a summer girl, but last week was still in the 90’s here in St. George and I just want to be done sweating! It’s starting to cool down this week so I’m excited to wear warmer clothes! You can see some of my favorite fall fashion items here.

our outfits


Hunter had her senior night last week too! I can’t belive it was her last football game. I’ve loved watching her cheer at the games! They will probably do one round of playoffs, but I don’t think the football team will make it after that. So it just hasn’t hit me yet because this is her first year cheering and it’s going by too fast! Hunter turns 18 in a few weeks and I know that means she’ll be and adult, but I’m like no she’s still my baby! It’s wild.

Hudson had his last football game last week and it’s bittersweet. He totally blossomed this season. He did so good, but he’s relieved that he can focus solely on baseball now! It was a lot for him to do 2 sports. I can’t wait to watch him play baseball!

Hayden has had a slow few months, but her cheer comp season starts mid November and we will be traveling a ton!! We’ll travel to Salt Lake a few times and we’ll be in Vegas literally just a few days before Christmas! Then we also have Phoenix and Dallas on the calendar for her cheer too. She is so excited. I’m just trying to enjoy October and November before comp season starts!

Houston’s finally using his finger! He broke it a few weeks ago playing kickball at recess. Everyone has been so sweet to ask me about him. He has his last finger appointment next week and I think he will be good to play basketball and flag football! So he’s excited to get back into sports.

Harper got braces!!! She’s been telling everyone that she looks like she’s 10 now. And she really does, it’s wild. Every life update I talk about how fast my kids are growing up. It’s just crazy to me.

so happy with how our family pictures turned out | @maleaellett


We’re going to Hawaii next week for Hunter’s 18th birthday and she’s honestly not super thrilled, but I know she’ll be happy once we actually get there. We’re so ready for a vacation. We didn’t get one this past summer because Joe’s work schedule was crazy. So we booked a 10-day trip and I can hardly wait! I’ll be sure to share all the details when we get back from our trip.


We’ve been doing more and more house projects and it’s starting to feel like home!! We’ve done a few limewash walls, you can see the results here. But our most recent project was our wood wall downstairs in the basement! I shared a reel of the process so check that out here! We ordered the wood panels from @woody_walls and I’m obsessed! We ordered the white ash solid wood and I love the look of it!! They also gave me a discount code- code KAILEE8! The process was so easy and I love the look it added to our basement. Seriously, anybody can do this!

I started sharing all the details of each room in my house, so if you haven’t seen those I will link them here! I’m still working on sharing more.

love my boys

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