Ivivva Holiday Gift Guide - Kailee Wright
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Ivivva Holiday Gift Guide


hunter:  black jacket  |  tank top  |  leggings  |  sports bra  |  scarf  |  socks  |  headband

hayden:  navy jacket  |  leggings  |  socks  |  headband  |  duffle bags

me:  dress  |  wedges – similar + here  |  sunnies + similar  |  necklace  |  bracelets  ||  houston:  shirt – similar  |  jeans

With end of the year dance recitals + the constant holiday music performances quickly approaching, we defiantly have Christmas on the  brain! The little people have started making their holiday wish lists and giving us all of their gift suggestions. I swear if I don’t write their ideas down I completely forget them by time night falls. Please tell me I’m not the only one with this problem?!

This year I was quite surprised by a few items Hunter has mentioned — like she wants “workout clothes”, a purse that goes across her body (like mom’s) and a few sciencey things. And of course, Hayden has copied and said the same thing. haha.

I always love stepping out of the box and not getting the kids your normal socks, underwear and clothes every year. Joe and I try to think of fun and practical gifts, but something the kids actually need. Last year, we got all the littles new soccer cleats and shin guards + fun new practice outfits that we normally wouldn’t buy. Because, how fun is it to play in “your own cleats” instead of hand-me-downs all the time?

This year the girls are super into “workout stuff” — I’m blaming my sister who lives in her lululemon gear + tennies 24/7. Haha. No…we have always been an active family with soccer, gymnastics and dance going on through the entire year. I think they have both just caught onto the “style” and love how comfy active gear is!! We have started our Christmas shopping and are surprising the girls with some of their favorite ivivva by lululemon accessories + a fun outfit. The girls are also gifting their friends with these super cute ivivva water bottles and hair ties! I rounded up a few of our picks to start your holiday shopping!

ivivva-gift-guidesocks  .  black jacket  .  duffle bag  .  sports bra  .  leggings  .  water bottle  .  headband


Also, all you moms out there — make sure you enter ivivva’s first major contest. It’s basically the BEST TRIP EVER!! The trip includes: 4 round trip flights to NYC for you, your little girl and your bestie mom/daughter duo + 2 nights hotel stay in Manhattan, a night out including a show of your choice and an ivivva shopping spree + MORE!! To enter click HERE!! Good luck!!

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in collaboration with ivivva

photos: corissa ann


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