Hunter Growing Up Way Too Fast - Kailee Wright
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Hunter Growing Up Way Too Fast

Kailee Wright-Olly

in partnership with OLLY

hat – similar + here  cardigan  t-shirt  |  jeans + here  necklace  bracelets  ||  hunter cardigan  |  top  jeans  OLLY vitamins  ||  faux tree  |  similar couch  |  rug  |  throw blanket

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I don’t know how it happened, but I swear I blinked and my Hunter grew right up! Her birthday is coming up next week and it has me feeling alllll the feels! Wasn’t she just barely my first little babe, teaching me how to be a mom?! It is crazy! She has been starting to ask all kinds of questions. From if she can shave her legs….to when she can start wearing mascara (shoot me) and I just don’t know if I’m ready for this, but I thought I’d share an update on what is new + a few things we are trying!

Like I said, growing up has brought up so many questions + topics she was never interested in before! She is asking to shave her legs, and I told her once you start there is no turning back! haha! So I think we are now holding off on that for awhile. She also has been begging to wear makeup too! I keep telling her it will give her zits and to just wait, which totally worked because she saw that I just recently got a zit and asked if it was because I wore make up everyday and of course I told her YES!! but I think she has me convinced to let her start with mascara in the next year or so.

She has also started asking a lot of questions about my prenatal vitamins….like what it does, and how it is different from the kid gummies they usually take. We’ve talked about how they support healthy hair + skin, can give you more energy + a stronger immune system. Since we’ve been talking about them so much lately, when OLLY reached out about their new Multivitamin for Girls, we thought it was the perfect time to give them a try. So far she has loved them, and feels extra grown up graduating from the gummy the rest of the little people take, to something more like mine. I’ll be sure to share an update once she’s tried them a little longer!

In addition to all the questions, she just keeps getting busier and busier! She is an amazing soccer player and spends the majority of her free time practicing and playing for her competition team. On that same note, she has already started talking about soccer scholarships (what 10 year old does this?!) and I’m over here remembering her first tiny pair of cleats! Hunter also LOVES tending kids and is such a little mom. She has been asking if she can start tending for neighbors and friends, but for now I just want to keep her and her skills all to myself! haha.

So at what age did you start wearing make up? Or when did you let your girls start shaving + doing the make up thing? I really want to know. I honestly didn’t even wear maskcara until 10th grade!! Can you see why I’m so hesitant on all this talk? I really love hearing from you all and taking in all your advice!!

xx kails

Kailee Wright-OllyKailee Wright-OllyKailee Wright-OllyKailee Wright-Olly Kailee Wright-Olly

photos: aubrey taiese

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  1. Wow only 10! You’re in trouble mama. There is clear mascara that would just bring her natural features out. Also, lipgloss always made me feel fancy! Happy early to your big baby.

    1. Right?! She is trying to grow up on me way too fast!! Love the clear mascara with lip gloss idea! Maybe that will buy me a little time! 🙂

    1. Maturity level is such a good point! Hunter is very mature for her age…but hopefully I can hold her off a little closer to 14! Maybe lip gloss will be enough for now 🙂

    1. Of course!! I’m glad I could help!! And thank you for being here and for your feedback! Love hearing from readers!

  2. hello, your daughter is so pretty. it is difficult to see these children grow up. I put makeup on my eyelashes at the age of 15 16 years old and I shaved my legs around 13, 14 years old. I especially think that our children must feel good about themselves and not be complexed. I kiss you from France.

    1. Ah thank you for being here and for your sweet words of advice! Love hearing from readers all over the world!

  3. I started wearing makeup in 7th or 8th grade and it totally gave me zits 🙁 so I wish I never had haha! Hunter is so beautiful and doesn’t need any makeup! I started shaving my legs in 6th grade because I was a gymnast and I guess I felt the need to have smooth legs! Love you and your family! I’m on the BYU Gymnastics Team and I hope to see you around Utah sometime!

    1. Jill! I’ve been telling her the same thing about zits because I had the same problem!! Hoping to convince her lip gloss or something is enough for a while!! I’ve got to bring the girls to meet sometime! We would all love that!!


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