Harper's Schedule + 16 Month Update - Kailee Wright
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Harper’s Schedule + 16 Month Update

Kailee Wright harper 16 month update

top  |  jeans harper diaper + headband rug  |  basket  |  dresser


Time just keeps on flying by and somehow my BABY is 16 months old already! It could be because she is our last little babe, but Harper seems to be growing up way too fast. Can we not figure out how to slow time down already?! A week or two ago I shared a little bit of a detailed look into the little peoples schedule. Since posting, I’ve had quite a few requests for more details in Harper’s schedule. So today I’m sharing whats new with our little babe + a peak into a typical day for her!

kailee wright harper's 16 month update

romper (sold out) similar + here  |  headband  |   moccs



  • Running around like a pro trying to keep up with the big people. She is fast!
  • Being a pro stander, her new favorite thing is digging through and emptying alllll the cupboards and drawers. These locks have been saving our sanity in the Master Bathroom…and I’m starting to think I need to Harper proof the whole house!
  • We think she is getting some more teeth so she has had some grumpy days. Hoping that is done soon!
  • She has the best chub ever! I got sick of buying two sizes of diapers so I moved her up to wear size 4 like her “big” brother Houston. She is already wearing size 2T in her jammies except maybe these ones that stretch right over her belly. Most clothes she is wearing 18-24 M, but can still do 12-18 in a few things.
  • Speaking of chub…those feet!! We cannot find a single pair of shoes that her fat feet fit in, except for her moccs. She wears them every single day and they are saving us!
  • Has figured out how to go down the stairs backwards which we are so grateful for. Definitely takes my stair stress down a notch, but we’re still keeping this gate up to avoid any disasters.

Kailee Wright_Newport Beach harper 16 month update

swim cover up + swimsuit harper dress + headband  |



  • She has started saying Mom so clearly all the time and I couldn’t love it more!
  • Will give kisses on demand and we are allll taking full advantage of that cuteness. But with the kisses also comes her turning you down with a slap if she isn’t feeling it. haha.
  • Is starting to be able to hold her own and will put up a fight with Houston if he takes something she wants. He better watch his back since she is pretty much the same size as him!

kailee wright harper's 16 month update

top  |  jeans  |  bracelet disc necklace  |  crescent necklace  |  mama necklace harper dress + headband



7:30 – Wakes up for the day.

8:00 – Eats breakfast with the big kids. Her favorite is definitely yogurt and doing it allll herself.

9:30 – Takes a bottle and goes down for her first nap. She has been fighting this one a lot more lately. We are still trying to get it in, but some days it works and some days it doesn’t.

11:30 – Around when she wakes up from the first nap.

12:00 – Lunch with Houston + Hayden. After lunch, the three of them usually just play together while I get things cleaned up. It is one of their favorite times of day.

1:30 – Afternoon naps for both Harper + Houston. This is such a key time for our day, and we really try to get both babies down at the same time. So that means the time can fluctuate and sometimes its later. It is my saving grace to be able to clean up around the house, or focus on any work for the blog, without taking time away from my people.

One thing I always try to do is plan our life around naps. It is not easy, but has always been a sacrifice I’m willing to make because well rested babes are MUCH happier babes, and it helps so much with their sleeping at night too. If we have to skip a nap to get things done, it will be the morning one, but I do everything in my power to keep this afternoon one on schedule. So grocery pick up and running errands at night have become our new norm to cut back on time out of the house. I’ve share them here before, but these sound machines make such a difference in naps too!

3:30 – If we get her down for a nap at 1:30, she is usually up around 3:30. She has some snacks and usually follows me around “helping” with whatever I’m finishing up, or plays with Houston.

4:00 – The big kids come home and usually maul Harper with allll the love. She is so happy when she sees them come in, its the cutest.

5-5:30- We eat dinner. That might seem early to some of you, but it is what works best for us to avoid extra snacking and work around sports schedules. For the most part, she just eats whatever the rest of us our having. She is a pretty good eater as I’m sure you can tell by those thighs. She is drinking from a sippy cup now

6:30-7:00 – This is her ideal bedtime, and what we shoot for. If its a day where we have practice or games for the big kids it can get pushed closer to 7:30-8, but she does better if its earlier. She has been sleeping through the night for months and is such a good sleeper. Every once in a while she will wake up in the night, but usually just soothes herself or switches positions and is back to sleep within a minute or two.

I think that about sums up Harper’s update + schedule. Overall she has been such a good, sweet baby, and the perfect finishing piece to our crew. She totally goes with the flow of her siblings busy schedules and is rarely upset. We are all completely obsessed with her!


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10 + 18 =

  1. So fun!! My daughter ramsey is the same age as Harper and sounds like they have similar qualities/God sent sleeping abilities and are way loved my the fam! They both got those big eyes and just a litttttle blonde hair 😉 love the sched yet flexibility it offers! We are similar!!


follow along @kailee_wright