Harper's Birth Story - Kailee Wright
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Harper’s Birth Story


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So it’s been almost two months and I am just now finally writing down Harper’s birth story! It was such a special experience. I am so glad to finally have it all written down to always remember. Plus I linked some of the questions I’ve been getting most. Including:
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag  :: 6 Postpartum Must Haves ::  6 Must Have Baby Items ::  6 Must Have Sleep Items For Baby. So let’s dive right in!!


What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

Again, like my last two babies we decided to be induced one week early. My deliveries usually go rather fast and we also wanted to make sure my family would be here for the last baby!! Houston was two weeks early because of my pelvic bone problems, so we didn’t want to risk anything!

My parents drove in the day before Harpers birth, and both of my sisters flew in from SLC later that night. My parents ended up picking up my sisters from the airport and meeting Joe, myself and all the little people at PF Changs for my favorite dinner before baby girl came. We did this same thing the night before Houston’s birth too.

My sisters, mom and I stayed up till one in the morning just talking and catching up with each other. Isn’t that the best thing do to when family is in town?!! All in all it was a really late night for me as I still had to wash my hair + pack a few things. So I didn’t get much sleep the night before – but the few hours that I did get were great!! I slept a lot better this time compared to my other two scheduled inductions. It honestly feels like Christmas Eve to me the night before my babies come so I never sleep because I’m SO excited!!


6 Postpartum Must Haves

Joe and I got up and left the house around 6:30 am. My family stayed back and helped get the little people ready and off to school on time. Then my sisters and mom headed to the hospital while my sweet dad stayed to watch Houston.

Joe and I checked in and I got weighed + changed. When we got into the room and the nurse checked me I was already having contractions. I was still dilated to a three. That was a bit of a let down because I had been a three for the last two weeks. My doctor was actually not working that day but teaching a lecture a few floors down. She knew we were scheduled that day and was bound and determined to make sure she was “in the hospital” to delivery my baby. (ps. I just adore her + she is the absolute best ever)!!

The nurses decided to wait before starting Pitocin and instead inserting a pill to help soften my cervix. I think you have to wait at least 2 to 3 hours after the pill to start Pitocin — so I knew there was no way my doctor was going to be there to delivery Harper. My sweet doctor came into check on us about 30 mins before her lecture. She looked over everything and checked me again and decided to take out the pill (which had only been in 15 minutes) and said, “she is going to have this baby before I leave it today.” Mind you this was 9 am and she was leaving around 1ish.

We ended up started pitocin and 5 minutes before my doctor’s lecture she came back and asked if she could break my water? I had just gotten my epidural so it hadn’t had anytime to kick in and I was a bit nervous I would feel some pain, but decided to go for it knowing she wouldn’t be back for at least a few hours. Plus, I knew once my water broke my body would kick into gear and get going (because it’s done this with every delivery) and that Harper would be here soon. So my doctor broke water and said, “I’ll see you in an hour or two.” I still mentally had prepared myself for the worst + a long delivery since Houston’s delivery lasted ALLL day long. You can read about it HERE.

So basically we hung out for about an hour and a half and I started to feel a little bit of pressure but didn’t want to get my hopes up that she was actually coming. I knew that they would be in to check me in about 10 minutes so I just thought I’d wait to say anything until they got there. I mentioned the pressure to my mom just a few minutes before my doctor walked in to check me. She checked me and said, “Okay!! We are having a baby!” I really couldn’t believe it but then at the same time I had prayed she would come fast and smooth like my girls had before.


6 Must Have Baby Items

Then all was calm.  As the nurse was setting up she asked my doctor if she needed to grab anyone else. My doctor declined and said, “no we are good”. So it was just the doctor, the nurse and my family in the room. It was so quiet and peaceful. As they were setting up my sister said she saw the baby just come down right then and my doctor asked me to push. I pushed one more time and Harper was here. That’s it it was over.

I honestly was in shock. I had hoped it had lasted a little bit longer! haha. But no, it was perfect and peaceful. She was finally here safe and sound, just like we had prayed for so many nights. Our family was complete and I could feel it with every ounce of my body. All our little people were all here.

I couldn’t have asked for anything more. My mom and sisters were there, my doctor was amazing, we had no complications (like with Houston’s) and Joe and I couldn’t have felt happier or more blessed in the moment. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for sending us this sweet little spirit and for trusting me with her.

xx kails

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6 Must Have Sleep Items For Baby

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Thank you to my very sweet friend Corissa for taking these images!!! Honestly, she has been there for my last three babies and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to be there!! Thank you so much for these unforgettable moments that are so priceless to me + joe!!

photos: corissa ann

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17 − 11 =

  1. Oh Kailee I have tears just streaming down my face reading this! (I guess I shouldn’t have read this on my lunch break at work – whoops!) I just love reading your perspective on motherhood and family – reading your words and insights has taught me so much and challenged me to look at my own motherhood journey through eyes of thankfulness in every moment! And your story totally has me longing for #2! 🙂
    Blessings to you, Joe and all your beautiful little people!
    xoxo Meg

    1. Meg!!!
      Thanks so much for you sweet words! Really they mean a lot! You will do awesome with #2 – go for it!!


  2. Amazing ! I love the photos! Thank you for sharing – I can’t wait to have this experience!! And thank you for posting your must-haves – registering is slightly overwhelming!

  3. Kailee, congratulations on such a beautiful little family. And thank you for sharing your story. My little guy came really fast too (I had no time for pain relief) but in the end, it was absolutely worth it. I just love seeing your posts every single day and being there along side you watching your little people grow. You guys feel like second family to me, even though you have no idea who I am haha.

    Keep sharing. It’s so beautiful xx love to you all

    1. Maree!!

      Thank you so much for reading + for your support here!! I love when we can connect with others online. Maybe one day we might meet in person!!


      1. A coffee with you would be absolutely amazing! If you’re ever in Sydney, Australia – let me know! haha. Maybe one day. I’ll bring my tribe to the states and we can have one huge play-date (these are always such a good idea in theory…) 😛

  4. What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing! My labor seemed to last foreverrrrr because I got stuck at 4cm…but she finally came!! Best feeling ever – meeting our little babes 🙂

    1. Thank you Casey for your sweet words + support. Isn’t it the best feeling in the world to meet your new little one!!



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