Harper: 4 Month Update + Most Asked Questions - Kailee Wright
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Harper: 4 Month Update + Most Asked Questions

Kailee Wright_Harper Nursery

headband  |  dress  |  crib sheet + here  |  4moms mamaroo + here  |  rug

Somehow, as much as I tried to make time stop, Harper is another month old!! How has it already been 4 months?! It honestly feels like it has flown by, yet I can’t imagine life before her sweet spirit joined us! As I’m sure you can tell from all of our pictures, we are all obsessed with her, and think she is the perfect finish to our family!

A few updates for Harper at 4 (almost 5) months!

  • We are looooving this stage, but really I think I’ve said that about every stage! She is so smiley and none of us can get enough of her!
  • Anytime her eyes open Houston runs over by her side and says “Hi…hi…hi hi..” Haha! I know I’ve said it before, but I can’t believe the connection these two have. It is unreal and seriously makes me want to bawl every time I see them together. It really makes all the craziness that comes along with having them so close together completely worth it!
  • We of course went  (although late thanks to our crazy schedule) to Harper’s 4 month appointment with the pediatrician. She is growing well and is in the 35% for both height + weight. Houston was so tiny (my only babe), so I have been making sure she gets 2-3 formula bottles a day, while breastfeeding the other half. She is the queen of spitting up, so really I’m shocked she gains any weight..haha..but at least the blowouts have stopped! Hallelujah!
  • She has figured out rolling from her stomach to back, and I’m sure it won’t be long before she goes from back to stomach as well! Another thing is she has started to buck out of the Rock n Play too, so its looking like we will be transitioning out of that sooner than planned too!
  • She has become quite the traveler, and luckily has done sooo well! The only downfall is it has really thrown off her sleep schedule. I’m hoping once we get into our rental in Utah I’ll be able to get that back under control. We love our sleep around here!

A week or so ago on Instagram I asked you guys to send me alllll your baby questions  to include in this update and you did not hold back! Our comments and DM’s were overflowing  with such good questions! I won’t be able to get to them all today, but I definitely have a Part 2 planned so stay tuned!! Here are some of the most asked…

  • How do you have 5 kids and still manage to look so great + put together all the time?!

You guys….first of all you are way too nice because that is far from true! One thing to remember, all the images you see on the blog (+ some of the styled Instagram posts) are taken beforehand, in a planned out photo shoot. I rarely, if ever, look like that on a real trip to the grocery store. However, like I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I have been trying to wake up a little earlier every day to take the time to get ready. I feel like I get so much more accomplished, and just feel better about myself.

Also, I use my two secret weapons, which really shouldn’t be a secret to any of you that have been around for a while. First is hats! I love a cute hat to cover up that hair that I probably should’ve washed and kind of complete an outfit. My second helper is for sure my eyelash extensions. Thanks to them I rarely wear makeup other than lipstick, but can still look put together! Just don’t give me too much credit! I am rocking the joggers and messy bun as often as you ladies! You can read my post about trying to balance motherhood here.

  • Any tips for surviving with a newborn + toddler?

Oh gosh…I’m just figuring this one out as I go! Houston + Harper are the closest my babies have ever been and it of course comes with new challenges. I think the game changer for me is trying to get them to nap at the same time at least once a day. I usually feed Harper in the playroom so Houston can be close playing by my side…and we usually just rotate between eat…nap…play…repeat. Some days work..some days don’t and I think you have to let yourself be okay with that.

  • What is Harper’s daily routine with napping + eating? Does she sleep through the night?

Like I said before, as much as I crave a good schedule, it hasn’t existed for us around here lately. With lots of end of school activities, moving, and family vacations, we’ve kind of had to throw that out the window. She was sleeping through the night, but since Hawaii she has been waking up every 2-3 hours for a little snack and completely passing out after nursing on one side…so its definitely just a bad habit. We are trying to get back on track, and her day usually looks something like this…

* Wakes up at around 5-6 am to eat.
* Goes back to sleep until around 8.
* She usually eats about every 3-4 hours throughout the day, and will
nap anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours after her feedings.

  • What is her daily nap routine?

This is another depends on the day answer. Usually I will just swaddle her and lay her in the Pack n Play with the sound machine on and she will go right to sleep. Sometimes, when she is more gassy or just having a fussy day, I will rock her or walk around bouncing her until she gives in and falls asleep. This is a situation where you just have to try and be in tune with your baby and know there won’t be a cookie cutter way to do it that works 100% of the time. You can find my previous post about tips for getting a baby on a sleep schedule here.

  • How do you still find time for you and your husband?

With 5 little people, this has been really tricky lately. Before we had Harper, we tried to go out at least 2-3 times a month. Now we are lucky if we get in 1 a month. When we move to Utah and are closer to family this is a big goal and focus of ours. You can read about why date nights are so important to us here.

I have lots more questions from you and hope to be able to get to all of them here soon! If you have any others, or any advice on how you find balance and tackle these baby issues, I’d love to hear them!

xx – kails

Kailee Wright_Harper Nursery-4moms

Kailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_Neighborhood

stroller  |   headband  |  similar nightgown

harper pj’s  |  headband  |  binki  |  houston pj’s + here  |  blanket  |  sheets


Kailee Wright_Mori PJs


harper pj’s  |  headband  |  binki clip  |  hayden jumper



rock n’ play rocker  |  binki clip  |  swaddle


Kailee Wright_Orville Redenbachers

dress  |  headband  |  my joggers + tee  |  bowls  |  pillow + pillow


Tell Me What You Think! leave a comment...

19 + three =

  1. Hi Kailee! What a beautiful family! My baby (Emma) will be 3 months in just a week!! I can’t believe how fast she is growing… I need some advice, we need to suplement with formula due to some weight problems, but she is not accepting the bottle very well, at the most she drinks .5oz per feed, we have try several brands and so far she is more comfortable with NUK or Avent but she doesn’t drink more that the .5 oz, so we are kind of desesperate here. How did you handle this with Harper?

    1. Oh Monse,

      This is always so hard, when you just want them to eat. Okay so I would pump and mix half breast mil and half formula!! This has always helped my babies take a bottle. Then you gradually change the mixture to 1/4 breast milk 3/4 formula and then to all formula. We also love the Dr. Browns bottles to give those a try. Also fee her when you first start seeing signs of her being hungry and not when she’s crying. I’ve noticed they are more likely to try the bottle + formula when they aren’t so mad. Let me know if any of this helps!! Sending good vibes + wishing you the best of luck!! Once she’s got it it will all be good. Also, try at least a few times a day (to offer the bottle) and don’t give up. I promise she will take in eventually. Hang in there mama.


  2. Love love this post! We’re adding our 4th baby this August and my oldest will be 6 1/2! My older two were both gassy spitty babies-finally figured out some root causes for baby 3 and they totally worked! Lmk if you want some info/tips. We live just north of SLC, lots of new fun places for kiddos to experience. Good luck with the big move!!!

  3. Hi I have a baby that’s the same age and my pediatrician said to stop swaddling because it interferes with hip development. It’s been hard. I was wondering if you still swaddle at this age?

    1. Hey Theresa!!

      Oh gosh it is so hard to listen to all the things sometimes. Right? I think you need to do what feels right for you and your baby. My doctor has never said anything like this…but Harper is clearly coming out of her swaddle…so I basically just do it to calm her down (if she needs it) before nap time and bedtime. It’s kinda just a cue for sleep at our house, but knowing she will easily breakout within 10 minutes I don’t really worry about it. Hope that helps. I swaddled all my babies till at least 6 months and none of them have had any problems ever.



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