Fun Easter Basket Ideas for All Ages - Kailee Wright
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Fun Easter Basket Ideas for All Ages

Kailee Wright Easter Baskets for kids and teens

harper’s top + shorts + bracelets (KAILEEWRIGHT15 for 15% off)  |  houston’s similar top + jeans  ||  easter baskets

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I swear this year is just flying right by! Can you believe we are already so close to Easter?! I am not complaining at all because Spring and Summer are my absolute favorite time of the year. Bring on all the sunshine!! Easter is one of my favorites for that very reason! We love getting outside together and the fun holidays that bring us together with family like Easter. Easter Baskets are one of my favorite gifts to put together, because I love to fill them with things to prep for the upcoming spring and summer! Since I’ll be filling an Easter basket for everyone from toddlers to teens, I thought I’d share some of my favorite Easter Basket ideas with you!

When it comes to filling an Easter Basket, I tend to do things a little different than most. I am not all about the toys, and if you know me less is always more. SIMPLIFY in all things! Haha! This applies to my Easter Baskets too. My favorite things to include are things they already need but can double as a gift, and things that we can do together as a family or they can do with each other, and things that they can use to play outside since it is the beginning of all the sunshine! With that in mind here are my ideas for kids and teens!

Kailee Wright Easter Baskets for kids and teens

paint dots  |  playdoh eggs  |  spot it travel magnet blocks  |  swimsuit – girl optionboy option  |  nails  |  sandals – girl optionboy option bracelet (KAILEEWRIGHT15 for 15% off)  |  diving rings  |  lego  |  squirt gun sticker book 

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Kailee Wright Easter Baskets for kids and teens

bracelet  |  loopy case (KAILEE10 for 10% off 1 or KAILEE15 for 15% off 2+)  |  nails sugar scrub  |  swimsuit – girl optionboy option  |  sandals – girl optionboy option  |  earrings  |  lip gloss  |  lego  |  hydroflask  |  hat  |  pool ball  |  card game

And last but not least, the mom hack to Easter Basket Egg filling!! I am not a fan of a lot of candy in our house. Yes we still eat plenty but an overload on holidays is not my favorite. So instead of filling eggs with loads of candy, we fill them with MONEY and the kids love it!! It does not have to be expensive at all. We are talking dollars, quarters, dimes, anything. They all love it and you aren’t left with the candy hangover from everyone the next day!

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I hope these Easter Basket ideas are helpful as you prepare yours. I wanna know, what are some of your favorite Easter Basket fillers or Easter traditions?

Kailee Wright Easter Baskets for kids and teens

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