Five Tips for Starting a Blog - Kailee Wright
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Five Tips for Starting a Blog


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One thing I get asked on a very regular basis is if I have any tips for someone just getting started in the blogging world. So before I get into this, I want you to know that I am by no means an expert. I feel like I am still constantly learning and growing from my mistakes. But that being said, I’d love to share the things I have learned so far that have been so helpful. Or I wish I would’ve known when I was in the beginning stages of my blog. I’ve put together a list of 5 blogging tips and hopefully they will help a few of you out!

  • BE YOU… This is by far my #1 blogging tip I give to people when they ask me for advice. There is only one you for a reason so you should always celebrate that and what makes you you! If you go into blogging wanting to be just like someone else, you are going to be miserable trying to be someone you aren’t. Staying true to your real opinions and advice will make you a more positive voice that people are attracted to and want to be friends with. By staying true to you, you can create a community of like minded readers. And when the tables turn and you need their advice, they are people you can relate to and trust as well!
  • Just DO it!… Nike wasn’t wrong! Ha! But really, if you feel like it is something you would be good at and love doing, go for it! New experiences are always a little scary. This is definitely no exception. It is something you just have to jump in and try to know if its a good fit!
  • FIND YOUR PASSION…Like most jobs, you will be a lot more successful if you are doing something you love and are passionate about. If you aren’t passionate and really interested in fashion, don’t make that the key focus of your blog. Setting the tone of your space to something you are passionate about not only makes your content easier to create, but it will be easier to market as well because you truly do love or care about what you are sharing.
  • WORK HARD…I think a lot of people get the impression that blogging is such a fun + easy hobby. It really can’t take that much work. If only that were the case guys!! Blogging, at least if you are going at it from a career standpoint, is a LOT of work! And I think that is a big surprise to most. It is definitely not a 9-5 job. Sure there is more flexibility to it, but whether you are coming up with good + relevant content, scheduling photo shoots, or reaching out to brands, your mind never really turns off and “goes home” from work. It takes a lot of work to create your “brand” and get it noticed not only by companies, but loyal readers (I have the very best) that will want to stick around and be part of your community. One of my favorite quotes I keep in my work space is “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” You can be the most talented person in the world at whatever you are going for, but without hard work people will continue to pass you by.
  • PHOTO QUALITY MATTERS…This one may not come across quite as “inspirational” as the rest, but when it comes to tips it is always near the top of my list! Like with any tv or magazine advertising, people gravitate towards bright, clear, high quality images, and your blog will be no exception. Take the time to find someone that can shoot for you. And also understands your style and branding so the results are what you are looking for. People read with their eyes first. If your images aren’t interesting they can scroll on by to a different post or blog without a second thought. Your images are usually what get people in the door. So don’t let the quality be something that is lacking.

I won’t sugar coat it…blogging is a stressful thing, and sometimes I find myself questioning if all the time away from my people is it really worth it. But then I reach out to you guys for advice on something in my own life and the help + support you are always willing to provide puts things back into perspective. I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate the sense of community we have built here. And I hope I can give you that in return. I hope these blogging tips were helpful!!

xx – kails

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photos: aubrey taiese

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