Feeding Time with Munchkin - Kailee Wright
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Feeding Time with Munchkin

Kailee Wright_Munchkin Latch

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Kailee Wright_Munchkin Latch

Feeding time is such a fun time at our house. Whether I was nursing Houston or when we would let the little people bottle feed him, the whole family wanted to be in on it. With August being Breast Feeding awareness month I’m sharing a bit our my experience. Nursing has been one of my most  favorite parts of motherhood, but it did not come easy for me at all! Nursing Hunter (my oldest) was one of the most painful experiences ever — I think I cried every time she needed to nurse, but I stuck it out and within two weeks the pain was gone. I ended up going back to work TWO weeks after I had her (crazy) so bottle feeding was a must! We went through so many different bottle and nipples until she would finally take one. Let’s just say the process was not fun.

After that we tried lots of different brands that worked with Hudson and Hayden. This time I was bound and determined to find a bottle that Houston would love from the beginning. I’ve alway used Munchkin spoons and sippy cups, but until a friend recommended the Munchkin Latch bottle we had not tried their bottles. I’m convinced their smart design with the soft, flexible plastic nipple and round shape is what did it for Houston + I was totally impressed. He has used other bottles in the past —but he will not hold them by himself. So this time around was a cinch with the Munchkin LATCH bottle to get him to hold his bottle on his own.

Tell me how nursing was for you in the comments! Did it get better or easier with each baby? Or did you learn any tips and tricks along the way?!!

xx kails

Kailee Wright_Munchkin Latch Kailee Wright_Munchkin LatchKailee Wright_Munchkin LatchKailee Wright_Munchkin LatchKailee Wright_Munchkin LatchKailee Wright_Munchkin Latch

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Kailee Wright_Munchkin LatchKailee Wright_Munchkin Latch

in collaboration with Munchkin

photos: corissa ann

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  1. I’ve always seen doctor Browns in all of your pictures. Wish moms would give their honest recommendations

    1. Thanks for your comment. Yes we have used a lot of Dr. Browns bottles with my other two little people and that is just what we had for Houston….until my friend said her baby would hold the Latch bottle all on his own is when we started trying the Latch. Houston has also tried a few other brands because of his colic (when we was younger) but he never took to anything else beside the Browns and Latch. I strongly believe its because the the bendy nipple on the Latch, which we love!! I never said the Latch was the only bottle we use. Sorry I should have been more clear. I think you can always have a few favorites. 😉

  2. My first baby was the biggest struggle. I would scream into a pillow while feeding her because I was in SO much pain. My body was so torn up from nursing that even my OB said she was in pain just looking at me. The pediatrician kept suggesting different oral exercises that I could try to get her to latch better. I finally asked about her being tongue tied (my husband was as a child, and it can be passed down). They clipped her frenulum a tiny bit and I never had another problem with her. I ended up having mastatis several times in those first couple of months. It was miserable, but I am so incredibly grateful. I have been able to help and encourage mamas because of that experience. I struggled with my second baby, in different ways. By my third child, I had it down pretty well, but she ended up having a FPIES milk allergy. I had to completely change my diet in order to keep her from being horribly sick. Each time was such a struggle, but I learned so much along the way. It was completely worth it to be able to nurse all three of my babies. I feel like the biggest trick that I learned was that there is no formula for a perfect nursing experience. Each baby is different, and so is each mama. It is just finding your groove and what works for you and baby..and ignoring anyone who tries to tell you that what you are doing is wrong!

    1. Ashley!!

      Oh my goodness!! You are amazing!! Plus thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I completely agree and you couldn’t have said it any better. Each baby + mamma is different and you just have to do what works for you!!

    1. Cassie!!
      Thank so much for sharing! I totally understand your pain + I’m so so glad you stick it out. It’s hard at first but so worth it in the end!! Thanks babe!


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