Father's Day Gift Guide - Kailee Wright
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Father’s Day Gift Guide

kailee wright fathers day gifts

joes tee  |  jeans watch  |  similar shoes

Summer is in full swing around here and with that comes some of my favorite days to celebrate! The first one in the line up is Father’s Day. It’s no secret we are all obsessed with our guy around here. We love any excuse to celebrate him! Sometimes the men in our lives aren’t the easiest to shop for. So today I’m sharing some of my go to favorites to get for Joe + some new ideas I have in mind for this year! You’re sure to find something awesome for the man in your life!


I think its safe to say, most men love a good techy nerdy gift. One of our very favorites to have around the house is a good bluetooth speaker. We’ve used both of these and love them! They are great for family bbq in the backyard, to take on vacation, or for a simple dance party around the house.  Another favorite find in the tech department are these bluetooth headphones. They are lightweight and stay in your ears good which make them great for exercising or when you’re on the go.  And last but definitely not least, is my favorite on the list, an apple watch. I just got one myself and it is by far one of my favorite gifts. I love allll the things you can track, and that it keeps me off my phone more often since I can check notifications without having to get it out.



So summer time and the warm weather usually means more time outdoors or on the road. I love keeping that in mind when it comes to Father’s Day gifts. One of my go to gifts that I think would be perfect for just about anyone is this portable charger. It charges your phone so so fast, and can charge it multiple times without having to be charged itself.

Utah summers are HOT HOT HOT, especially when we head down to St. George to visit family. Having a good water bottle that keeps our drinks COLD is a must for us. This water bottle is by far our favorite and the best we’ve found. I’m loving this travel bag + backpack set for our getaways too.



So if your husbands are anything like Joe, they HATE shopping. Because of this, I take full advantage of holidays like Father’s Day or Christmas to add a few things I’m loving to Joe’s wardrobe. Father’s Day usually includes some good basic tees .. (these ones are under $10!!!), some flip flops, sunglasses, or a new swim suit.

I hope my roundup helps you get some good ideas for your Father’s Day gifts, whether for your hubby or your dad! Finally, I’d love to hear some of your favorites! So leave a comment here or over on Instagram and I’ll add them to the list for everyone to see!


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