Date Night - Kailee Wright
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Date Night

Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Menjoe:  jeans  |  shirts  ||  dress + similar  |  shoes  |  sunnies  |  necklace  |  watch  |  bracelets

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With four little people and everyone’s crazy schedules and activities, Joe and I try to do a date night at least once a week, if not every other week. It’s the one time we actually get to chat alone and catch up on anything that has been put aside. We love to do family date night with all the little people, but we feel it’s really important to make sure our marriage is strong first. When it’s just me and him, I feel like we are dating all over again and old memories always seem to come up. We talk about the future and of course the little people, but again, we think it’s one of the best things we can do for our marriage

I also love it because it’s the one time Joe will dress up (or wear jeans) haha!! I’m being serious. The man it as low-key as they come.  I’m always used to seeing him in scrubs for work so it’s nice to have a special reason to get dolled up.

If you’ve followed along here for awhile, you know my love for Nordstrom and their FREE shipping and returns. I especially love it for Joe — who hates to shop, so this makes life so much easier!! We hop online and both pick out our favorite jeans, tops, and whatever else he is needing at the moment. This way he can try them on in our own home, on his own time, (because lets be honest, his schedule is beyond crazy!!). I love that I can just return whatever doesn’t end up fitting and it’s no hassle for us.

We are pretty laid back when it comes to date nights and usually stick to the usual dinner + dessert. I don’t really love to go to the movies because then I can’t talk his ear off (haha!). Tell me what are some of your favorite date ideas with your man? We are wanting to change things up a bit any and all suggestion are welcome! Love you guys!!

xx  –  kails


Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_MenKailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Men Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_MenKailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Men Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_MenKailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Men Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Men-4 Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Men

in collaboration with Nordstrom

photos:  corissa ann


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15 − fourteen =

  1. Your husband reminds me SO MUCH of my husband!!! Only my husband will not wear pants or jeans to ANYTHING accept church, temple, and weddings. I totally agree with you about not wanting to go to the movies on date night because you can’t talk (so why pay all that money?). My husband and I are big on swimming. I know this sounds strange, but my favorite activity to do with my husband is swimming and messing around with each other and then relaxing by the pool later. Also, we like to go hitting in the batting cages. We flirt the most when we are doing physical activities together. You and your husband are so cute together! Thanks for sharing your post!

    1. Alison!!!

      Oh my gosh!! You know my pain of your man not liking jeans! haha. Okay so your date ideas are great!!! Joe would die if we went to the batting cages + that sounds SO fun!! Thanks for the great ideas. Also, thanks for your love and support here!!


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