Cooking With the Little's + Hello Fresh - Kailee Wright
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Cooking With the Little’s + Hello Fresh


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Cooking with the little people (well, at least the older two) is always so much fun, especially now that they’re older and can really help out.  We all love dinner time because it’s the one time during the day we can all get together to sit down and talk about each others day. I necessarily don’t love to cook dinner or think about what we’re going to have BUT I do love that its a time that we can focus on our little people.

We just discovered  Hello Fresh and I am loving it because it takes the thinking + stress out of dinner a few nights a week. With soccer practices, dance lessons, and everything else, taking the time to prepare a nice dinner is few and far between these days — and I doubt it’s going to get any better with baby #5 coming in less then 7 weeks. I was a little specifically because sometimes the food isn’t so great with these sort of things, but I was presently surprised at how great the food is!!

Hello Fresh has great, healthy recipes to pick from + they provide fresh ingredients that are delivered right to our door which saves me another trip to the grocery store! The recipes are super easy to follow and I love that it’s not time-consuming either – super quick + simple! Plus, they also have basic meals which is what my people like best. So that was a game changer in my book.

Hello Fresh was so kind to offer my readers $35 off their first box!! How great is that! Use the code KAILEE35 at and just wait for your yummy meals to be delivered to your door!  I’m so excited for you guys to try it out! Happy weekend friends!!

xx – kails


kailee-wright_hello-fresh kailee-wright_hello-fresh

in collaboration with Hello Fresh

photos: corissa ann


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