Back to School Basics on A Budget - Kailee Wright
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Back to School Basics on A Budget

Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

hayden’s jacket + shorts + shoes + backpack  ||  hudson’s jacket/top + shorts + shoes + backpack   hunter’s top + jeans + similar sandals  || harper’s dress + shoes  ||  scooter + small scooter (similar)

I swear my little people just got out of school and we already heading in to Back to School shopping!! Time flies by way too fast, and I’m secretly over here trying to figure out how I can home school all of them without losing my mind! Haha! With Back to School shopping on the horizon, I HAD to tell you about the amazing pieces we found at Walmart this year! A few months ago I shared some of the basics we had found and were loving for the babies from Walmart, so I thought I’d give them a try for the big kids back to school shopping and YOU GUYS!! I am beyond impressed. Like the outfits we put together are SO DANG CUTE!! And the very best part, every single thing is under $25!!!

Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

hayden’s jacket + shorts + shoes + backpack  ||  hunter’s top + jeans + similar sandals + backpack  ||  hudson’s jacket/top + shorts + shoes + backpack

When it comes to Back To School shopping for my people, there are 3 steps or tips I always follow that make shopping a breeze and keep me from overbuying items they don’t need. So today I’m sharing those 3 tips + the amazing selection we found in both boys and girls at Walmart!

Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

houston’s top + jeans (similar)  ||  harper’s outfit + shoes

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Before I will start any Back to School shopping, I sit down with each of my kids and we do a closet clean out. We take every single thing out of the closet and put it in categories. Then together, not just me, we go through each category. First we go through and take out everything they say they don’t like anymore or will not wear. I’ve learned there is no point keeping it if it isn’t something they love. They aren’t going to wear it and it is just going to take up space!

After we’ve separated out the pieces we aren’t loving, we then go through and try on EVERYTHING else, so we can weed out the items that don’t fit right anymore. From there I make a list of each category and the needs per child so we are never over stocking the closets. Simple, minimal wardrobes is always my goal.


You’ve heard me say it 1000 times and I will probably continue saying it on repeat, basics are always best. Whether it is my closet or my kids closets, I try to keep at least 75% of the pieces as basics. I love that they are easy to mix and match and to dress up or down. One of my favorite things about shopping Back to School at Walmart this year was their amazing selection of basics at crazy prices! Options like these basic tees for the boys for under $5, or these shorts for the girls for $6.


Letting my kids have free reign of their wardrobes is still something that is a little harder for me. To be honest Hudson would wear shorts and a t-shirt every single day of the year! haha! I still like to have a little input when it comes to their outfit selection, but I always let their personal style shine through with their shoes. It started out as a way for me to give them a say so I could decide the rest, and has become a fun tradition for them now to pick out their shoes every year. Their clothes can stay classic and more neutral, and then have more of a pop with the shoes! I promise it is a great way to save yourself some arguments in the morning!

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Now that I’ve shared my tips, lets talk Walmart! I shared how impressed I was with how they’ve really stepped it up in the fashion departments lately, and after Back to School shopping my mind is blown. From basic tees, to dresses, to shoes and accessories we found so many pieces the kids and I both loved this year so I rounded up some of our favorites for you!

Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

hudson’s jacket/top + shorts + shoes + backpack


Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

hayden’s jacket + shorts + shoes + backpack


Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

hunter’s top + jeans + similar sandals + backpack


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I hope these quick tips and amazing selections from Walmart help make your Back to School shopping a breeze this year! Now if only I could figure out how to make summer last a few more months!!

Kailee Wright Walmart back to school on a budget

in partnership with Walmart

photos : aubrey taiese 

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