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Favorite Finds: Snack Prep

Kailee Wright Costco snacks

jeans  |  slippers  |  black tee  |  cardigan  ||  bamboo dividers  |  snack bags labels  |  white bins  |  wire baskets

For this week’s Favorite Finds, I decided to do something a little different, that I have been getting  a lot of questions about!  A couple of weeks ago, I showed a little clip of our post Costco snack prep over on Instagram Stories. It is honestly such a life + time saver for us, I had to share how we do it + why it is one of my favorite mom hacks!

Before we start any snack prep, we always take a trip to Costco. This is in NO WAY sponsored! It totally doesn’t have to be Costco, but them selling in bulk helps.  And you guys, I just found out they DELIVER!!! Yes you read that right. Deliver to your door! Mom dreams coming true everywhere! haha!

Kailee Wright Costco snacks

Insta-cart is actually the ones providing the service. You just go online and pick the items you need, and one of their shoppers goes and does it all for you. In my opinion it  is completely worth it + your first time is FREE  I’m not buying all the random things I see while I’m there that we don’t really need. Saving money + time, in addition my sanity?! Yes please! Plus, BONUS! If you use code KWRIGHT301A4, you can get  $10 off + Free Delivery! Like I said, NOT SPONSORED, it is just been such a life saver I had to share! Back to snack prep!!

Once we get everything home it is a team effort. Everything comes out of the box. Items like Granola Bars or Apple Sauce go directly in the “snack drawer”.  If something is not individually wrapped, we portion it into little snack bags. Our main items are usually items like gold fish crackers, popcorn, pretzels, wheat thins and muffins (which we cut in 1/2). The bagged snacks go in the snack section of the pantry. We specifically made this area of the pantry right at their level. Everything is easy for them to access whether its for snacking or school lunch prep. (For a closer look inside our pantry we, you can go here.)

In addition to the snack prep in the pantry, we’ve also started doing it in the fridge too. I saw my sweet friend Shannon from Clean Eats Clean Treats post a mouth watering picture of the genus idea, and I loved it! It is actually one of the main reasons we picked and love this fridge from Boulevard Home Furnishings (also where we got all our appliances + they are amazing to work with!) It has the perfect easy to access snack space! For fridge snacks we try to have string cheese, individually portioned fruits, yogurt, cuties, apple sauce, etc.

It is really so simple, but has been such a game changer. I feel like my little people are so much more independent. If they need a snack, they know they can go grab one baggie. We especially love the system for being on the go. You can usually find us going from one sporting even to another after school, so my people know to just grab a couple baggies as they hop in the van. I even find myself using it on a regular basis too, so I don’t over snack. It is so nice to be able to grab a baggie of popcorn while I’m working…instead of the whole bag and eating way more than I meant to!

That about sums up how snack prep at our house works! I’d love to hear any snack prep hacks you have too!

Kailee Wright Costco snacksKailee Wright Costco snacksKailee Wright Costco snacksKailee Wright Costco snacksKailee Wright Costco snacksKailee Wright Costco snacks

photos: aubrey taiese



Behind the Scenes of Blogging

kailee wright behind the scenes of blogging

sweater (sold out) similar here + here jeans + here  |  lip color  |  ring  |  bedding  |  nightstand


A few months ago I mentioned my team + I were meeting to plan upcoming content for both here on the blog + over on Instagram. I could not believe the insane amount of direct messages, asking who “the team” was…or saying they thought my blog was just me on my own! Since I had so many requests for details, I thought I’d give you a little behind the scenes of blogging!

I first started blogging about 10 years ago. While we were in Kentucky for Medial School, I wanted a place to share what was going on in our lives with friends + family.  So I started a little blog (raise your hand if you were a fellow “blogspot” user?!) haha…and everything was super simple. When we moved to California, I was closer to family. Instagram was the new thing, so I kind of let my blog go. Fast forward a few years later. I noticed I would get asked a lot where I bought clothes for my little people…or our Disneyland tips…and wanted to have one place to keep it all, so the blog was reborn.

It honestly started as just a place to connect with people I knew. I was doing it all myself, and it was just a hobby for me. As the years went by, companies started to reach out to collaborate on products they saw I was already using. My “big break” came with my first offer from Nordstrom. I think that is when I knew I wanted this to be something bigger, and something to help provide for my family. All through the years I continued as a one woman show, but as both the blog + Instagram has grown, my family has too. It may not be the case for everyone, but I knew if I wanted to continue to spend time and be a part of my little peoples every day life, I needed help.

Cue my angel being sent from above. Haha! A little over a year ago I hired a full time assistant. She saves my sanity on a daily basis, and since hiring her, I honestly don’t know how we ever survived before! Joe and I love her because she has made it possible for family to be my number one focus again. She helps with anything and everything from emails + contracts, to scheduling our calendar + bringing me ice cream when she knows its been a rough day. We honestly consider her a part of the family!

I think as women it is really hard to ever ask for help. Knowing what I do now, it is always better to have a team that wants whats best for you by your side. A lot of people ask what I do for a job, and blogging is the answer. It is 100% a full time (+ overtime) job. It does provide a 2nd income for my family, and if it didn’t, I wouldn’t be willing to take the time away to put into it what I do.

In addition to details about “the blogging team”, I’ve also been getting a lot of questions about photography. How do I have time to get ready for pictures every day? How to I get my little people to cooperate? Let me just let you in on a little secret. If it seems too good to be true it probably is. Haha. I have a photographer. About 2-3 times a month my assistant and I put together a list of all the things that we need to shoot and I go get them all done with my photographer. That means that although it may appear that I have my crap together every single day, and always get ready (because I am in my posts), that is not always the case. I shoot multiple outfits at once and spread that content out throughout the month.

Instagram Stories is real life for me. Wearing my robe…not getting ready every day…kids in Christmas jammies..that is my real every day life. I’m not saying I’m a fraud, but lets be honest…no mom I know is that put together! Not every picture you see is professional. My iPhone does a great job too, and my bigger kids are pretty good at shooting some for me too!

As far as them being in the pictures, that is something I never force. I ask, and if they aren’t feeling it, they don’t have to be. They know we are a team. I support them in their sports + other activities, and they support me in this. Joe probably hates it the most, but is willing too cooperate for our sunday selfie!

I honestly love this community we have here. I love being able to come to you for advice + your tips just as much as I love sharing. The relationships we have here are so important to me. I always try to take the time to answer your comments, questions, and direct messages. I never want this to seem like a one sided friendship. It means so much to me that each of you are here and let me be part of your every day! I hope this helps answer some of your questions! If you have more I missed please let me know! I’d be happy to answer!

xx kails

kailee wright behind the scenes of blogging kailee wright behind the scenes of blogging kailee wright behind the scenes of blogging kailee wright behind the scenes of blogging

photos: aubrey taiese


The Wardrobe Compromise I Made With My Kids

kailee wright rack room shoes

my jacket  |  top pants  |  new balance  ||  hunter : sweater  |  skirt high tops  ||  hudson :  pants  |  tennies (sold out) similar  ||  houston : top  |  pants nikes  ||  harper :  top  |  leggings headband  |  nikes


When it comes to my little people’s wardrobe, I kind of like to be in charge. It is one of those things that is really hard for me to let them take the reigns on. As they’ve gotten older, they have started to want more freedom when it comes to what they wear. To save us all a headache in the morning, we decided to make a wardrobe compromise!

Sometimes they still struggle to find things that match…or in Hudson’s case fit the right season. haha! (I’m sure you’ve seen the shorts he’s wore when it’s snowing) So shoes is an easy compromise! They  get to pick out their own shoes, if I get to have input on the rest of the outfit. I can’t even tell you how many morning tantrums this has saved us!!

When it’s time for new shoes, I let them start the shopping. We love shopping all our shoes at Rack Room, so we set it up on their size and they get to pick out their top 3. Without fail, they always pick athletic shoes! (anyone else’s people do this?) Luckily Rack Room has so many on trend athleisure items, we can always agree on something! They really have great options for all of us from Harper up to Joe.

It’s been a great compromise for us because the athleisure trend is so easy to dress up or down! I love pairing the girls shoes with a cute skirt or a leggings. The boys can still look put together with a button up and nice jeans! The best part is there is no complaining from anyone!! So win win!!

Also if your in the market you can shop all of Rack Room’s athleisure options for amazing prices now through March 20th! So I wanna know…what is something you have let go? Or let our little people take the reins?

kailee wright rack room shoes

hayden : jacket (sold out )  similar  |  top  |  similar skirt  |  shoes similar  (sold out)

kailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoeskailee wright rack room shoes

in partnership with Rack Room Shoes

photos: aubrey taiese



Weekly Update

kailee wright weekly update

dressherepink color here  |  swimsuit sandals  |  sunnies


Do you ever have one of those weeks where you just can’t wait for the weekend?! Kind of feeling like that was our week and it wasn’t even that crazy! Like every weekend, today I’m sharing our weekly update, in addition to some really great sales!!

First up on the weekly update, Last Friday I headed down to Southern California SOLO to spend the weekend with some of my favorite girls at Pelican Hill. If you ever get the chance to stay, do it, because it is incredible!!! They completely spoil you while making sure every single need is met. We  especially loved spending the afternoon by the pool soaking up the sun + eating alllll the food! haha! We stayed up till 2 AM talking and loved every second.

Continue reading “Weekly Update”


Favorite Finds: Packing Tips

kailee wright packing tips , pelican hill resort

jumper + more darling ones$42 here + $76 here white tee shoes  jacket  necklaces  |  suitcase


This past weekend I got to step away from the mom life for a little getaway with some of my favorite girls at Pelican Hill! It’s always so hard for me to leave my people! I’m glad I convinced myself, because a break to relax was exactly what I needed! I’ll be sharing more about the trip on our Weekly Update tomorrow! Since I’ve been doing more traveling than usual lately, and have a few trips coming up, I thought I’d share 5 of my biggest packing tips for this weeks Favorite Finds!

kailee wright packing tips, away luggage

suitcase  |  shorts $44  |  polka dot swimsuit bottom + top



This one might seem a little strange, and like the last thing you want to be thinking about when you are trying to prep for a trip. There are two reasons this makes my top tips. First of all, if the laundry is done it gives you access to your full wardrobe. You can pack the items you actually want + see what you have to work with. The second reason I always try to do this, is so when I get home I only have trip laundry to do, and not everything I failed to do before we left!



I swear these days I can’t function without multiple to do lists. Packing, especially for 5 little people, means a definite list. I usually go through and write down all the activities for the particular trip, so I know exactly what we need. This not only makes sure my mom brain doesn’t miss anything, but also makes sure I’m not packing things we don’t need.



This is probably my number one tip. If you are packing a full outfit for each day of your trip, with no multi-use pieces, you will quickly find yourself over packed. I always pack a good pair of jeans, that fit well and don’t stretch too much. That way they look just as good the second time around. A good basic tee is always on the list too. These two items are kind of my “power couple” because I know they can easily transition to nice evening looks by just adding accessories and heels! The same goes for my little people. I go into detail on my must haves for them in this post, but everything has to work for multiple looks.



Saving space in a suit case is kind of like a puzzle. I sometimes find myself taking things out and rearranging them to make it work. After a lot of trial and error there are a few things that always help. Number one is ROLL DON’T FOLD! You will always always fit more if you roll your clothes. Second, is to wear your bulk. I try to wear the things that will take up the most space. Usually that means wearing my jacket and tennies to help save space!



When we are flying, if at all possible, we try to stick to only carry on luggage. There are actually a few reasons why we do this! First of all, with 5 little people, we want to spend the least amount of time at the airport as possible. If we aren’t checking luggage, we can arrive a little later. Another reason is to avoid all the insane baggage fees. We really love our Away luggage. Each of the kids love having their own suitcase to be in charge of. They especially loved picking out their own fun color! Joe and I love them because they have built in chargers so we never have to stress about a phone or ipad dying. We also take advantage of the “second” small bag rule. Each of my people bring a little backpack full of snacks and entertainment for the trip.

With spring break just around the corner, I hope these tips help you conquer the challenge of packing for you + your people! You can find a few more tips + tricks I swear by here as well as my go to travel beauty faves!  I’d love to hear any tips you have!

Kailee Wright_Away Luggage



The Subscription Box You + Your Kids Will Love

Kailee Wright Kidbox

When it comes to my little people’s clothes, its safe to say I’m pretty picky. I like to keep their style current, but pretty basic + neutral at the same time. I’m sure you can guess I’m not a huge fan of subscription boxes. I haven’t had the best experiences in the past, so I was hesitant to try again. But let me tell you, after trying Kidbox, I have found the subscription box you + your kids will love! We’re talking name brand kinda stuff!!

Kailee Wright Kidbox

If you’ve done a subscription box before, you know that they typically start with choosing a category that best describes the person receiving it. This is so hard for me because I want to be more specific but it isn’t an option. The survey for Kidbox was so different. It asked questions about their sizing, style + personalities, which I loved!

The kids were SO thrilled to get their boxes in the mail. (but at the same time Hunter said, mom really another box? Last time I got glitter pants!) haha. I’m telling you these are different! Each box was addressed to them individually + were so fun! They came with crayons + stickers for them to decorate the boxes, making just a box of clothes more exciting for them too! It was like Christmas with their excitement and  each of them getting stuff they would really love to wear.

The items they sent are such good quality. I’m talking like 7 for All Mankind jeans (which are NOT cheap) for each of them, paired with great tops that fit our style perfectly. They were basic pieces, not covered in logos or prints, but original. You can tell they paid attention to the details I picked for each of my people. If there is something you don’t like, you can return it at no charge. My favorite part is for every full box purchased, they donate an item of clothing to a child in need through the charity of YOUR choice. Isn’t that so awesome?!

I can’t tell you how happy we were with our results! The boxes come seasonally and my little people are already talking about what they hope they get next! The spring box is going out soon, so if you’re going to sign up, it’s the perfect time! I’d love to hear your thoughts if you try it out!


Kailee Wright Kidbox Kailee Wright KidboxKailee Wright Kidbox Kailee Wright KidboxKailee Wright Kidbox


Kailee Wright KidboxKailee Wright KidboxKailee Wright Kidbox, home, Kailee Wright Kidbox

in partnership with kidsbox

photos: aubrey taiese


3 Tips to Organize + Simplify A Master Closet

Kailee Wright Master Closet

sweater jeans  slippers  |  hat + most hats from Gigi Pip  |  grey baskets wire baskets  |  black tags


Today I’m sharing a space that I think just about any woman loves! The master closet! I’ve shared a few sneak peeks over on Instagram and had so many requests to show more. So today I’m taking you inside + sharing a few tips on  how I organized it!


My first priority + biggest tip is to simplify. In our house in California, space was tight. I knew we’d have more room in the new house, but a clean out was needed. Before we moved, I went through every single thing and only kept the items I use and wear on a regular basis. I love that when I go to my closet now, I’m not looking through a bunch of pieces I don’t wear. I keep the current season items at eye level, so I’m not overwhelmed by sweaters in the heat of summer, or swim in the winter! I’ve also made a deal with myself that for every new item that comes in the closet, something old has to go. Excess usually equals mess.


Once I had things simplified, organizing was top priority. It’s no secret that I’m a little on the OCD side, so I wanted the master closet to be very functional. I love having things color coordinated. I start by separating the type of shirt. Sweaters, Long Sleeve, T-Shirts, and Button Ups. Once they are sectioned, I color coordinate. I swear this simple change in the space makes getting ready so much faster.

As for pants and accessories, baskets + bins are your best friend. When everything has a contained space, nothing is out and messy to distract the eye. Having uniform baskets keeps the space looking clean + put together. The same goes for hangers.

The simplest things in the master closet are actually my favorite. The little tags I used to label make my ocd heart skip a beat. I love that they are easy to read. Having a label makes it quick and easy to put laundry away. My other favorite in the space is having the hats hanging. I had so many people ask how I hung them, and the answer is not as impressive as you’d think. I laid the hats along the shelf, eyeballed where I wanted them, and hammered a tiny nail in. So simple, yet such an effective use of space to keep those clean lines.


The biggest tip I have to organizing your master closet is probably this. Focus on your basics. You know what you wear most. If you are always reaching for the same basic tees or sweaters, keep them at the forefront of your closet. Your every day looks should be the most prominent + easy to access in the space. A dress you pull out for the rare fancy party should be in a place you rarely see. If you rarely use it, you should rarely see it!

Everyone likes things done differently, but I hope you found these simple tips helpful! I’d love to hear your best organization tips too! If you have any questions or details I missed, I’m happy to answer them!

xx kails

Kailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master Closet Kailee Wright Master Closet, gigi pip hatsKailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master ClosetKailee Wright Master Closet

photos: aubrey taiese


Weekly Update + Presidents Day Sales

kailee wright, shopbop jumper, stripe jumper, home, harper

jumper + more darling ones$42 here + $76 here white tee baskets  |  harper:  headband cardigan


The weekend is here so we couldn’t be more excited! Valentine’s Day in the mix last week, so our weekly update is a little more eventful than most! While we have a fun update, I’ve also rounded up the best Presidents Weekend SALES so you can get some steals!

Last Monday night Joe actually had the day off (hallelujah!) so we went out for a little early Valentine’s Day date. I love any chance we can get some one on one time since it’s so rare!

Also the little people have been so excited + counting down the days to Valentines. We put together yummy treats and kept our doorbell ditching tradition alive. It was so fun to take them around the neighborhood to deliver the secret treats. Watching them try to run + hide before the door opened was hilarious! The best part was probably embarrassing Hunter at her crush’s house! When did she get so grown up and start liking boys?! Seems like she was just a baby! We finished the night with a dinner + movie at home, so it was exactly what we all needed.

I am spending the weekend at Pelican Hill with some of my favorite girlfriends so pretty much heaven! Its so funny to me that often times as moms, we just beg for a break like this. Some time to relax and just breathe for a minute with no diapers or fighting kids. But if you’re anything like me, when it gets to be the day before and I’m packing, suddenly I feel like I can’t go, so I don’t want to leave them! Am I crazy?! haha! I’m so glad I convinced myself to still come so I can enjoy the sun with the girls. I so needed it!




kailee wright long beach airpot travel away suitcase

jacket white tee jeans  |  flats – similar here + here phone case + pop socket suitcase



top jacket  |  jeans  |  heels  |  necklace  |  phone case + pop socket  ||  joe- top  |  jeans  |  shoes


valentines date night all black jacket free people sweater, dark denim jeans, harper

cardigan  |  tee  |  jeans + similar  |  flats  ||  harper- jeggings  |  top  |  headband  |  moccs


kailee wright harper peek pink dress

dress  |  headband

shopbop dress black leather jacket harper

dress  (old) – similar  jacket  |  heels  || harper-  leggings  |  sweater  |  moccs  |  headband



joe t-shirt  |  jeans  |  shoes  ||  top  |  jeans  |  wedges (old) – sold out |  clutch – similar  |  bracelets  |  sunnies




Favorite Finds: Momiform

Kailee Wright-Athleta Black Coat

beanie  |  coat  |  jeans $37 + similar here  |  boots lipstick


It’s no secret around here that when I’m not in my robe, I’m sporting my go to momiform. When it comes to putting together an every day outfit, or what I call my momiform, I’m all about things that are comfortable, flattering, and easy to move around and just be with my people. I’ve shared a few of my go to momiforms here + here before, but thought I’d show you my current favorites + a few items I’ve added ( and can’t live without)  to “winterize” it for this chilly weather!


cardigan + here  |  tee + the BEST ‘v’ neck tee here for $17  |  jeans + here  |  similar flats + here  |  clutch



I LOVE a good basic tee. I find myself constantly wearing this one on repeat. It is so comfy and soft. I love that the fit is looser and really compliments your figure without looking like a sack. You don’t have to worry about anything squeezing to tight or hanging out while you are playing with your people. They look great thrown together with jeans and tennies, but can easily be dressed up with a leather jacket and heels. I’ve also been really loving this long sleeve for this colder weather in Utah.


Having a good pair of jeans that fit just right is top priority in my wardrobe. They’ve gotta have just the right amount of stretch where they are comfy, but you don’t end up having a saggy bum after a few hours. These are my number one go to pair. I love the distressing to give it detail, but it isn’t overbearing. I recently got this pair to and it is an INCREDIBLE inexpensive option that gives you almost an identical look and quality for a much lower price! Yes please!


When it comes to shoes, I love heels as much as the next girl. But when it comes to my everyday, give me comfy. If we are staying around the house, these house slippers are on my feet 100% of the time. No cold feet, but no gross shoes in the house. I could not love them more. When we are out and about running errands, these flats are on repeat. They could not be comfier, come in the best color options (which I have like 5 of, haha), and are only $19!

With it being so dang cold, I’ve been wearing these boots a lot too and could not love them more. I shared on Instagram that Hudson and I had to shovel a few inches of snow (one of the few times it actually snowed). I wore these and my feet did not even get the slightest bit cold.


Since this California girl still thinks this “mild winter” Utah is having is FREEZING, finding a good winter coat to add to my momiform was a must to survive. Haha! I actually had one of my readers recommend it and I am so glad she did. I shared all about why I love it here, but the number one reason is it is so dang warm, but still shows your body in there. No giant marshmallow coat look. It’s a little out of my typical budget for something like this, but the quality is all there and I’d say definitely worth the investment.


I’ve never been much of a beanie girl, but real winter converted me fast! They keep you so warm, and bonus…help cover up what might be some day or two old hair!


sunnies  |  white tee  |  cardigan  |  jeans + similar  |  booties  |  purse

Kailee Wright-Athleta Black Coat Kailee Wright-Athleta Black Coat Kailee Wright-Athleta Black Coat

photos: aubrey taiese


How Joe and I Met


joe top + jeans  ||  similar dress here + here

With it being Valentines Day, I thought it might be fun to get a little personal and share how Joe and  I met! I always love hearing peoples stories and what brought them together. With this being the day we celebrate the ones we love most, I thought it was the perfect time to share ours!

First of all, believe it or not, we actually met when I was 12 years old! Seriously, so crazy and so many years ago. His family moved in down the street from us and we quickly became close friends. The first time I saw him I was actually walking home from school. He was in front of me walking home with his brother. As crazy as it sounds, I had the impression “I am going to marry him” come to my mind. My 12 year old mind could not believe this. I didn’t even know him! I mean he had CURLY hair…this was not ok. Haha! Oh young naive minds. The same impression came to me again on the walk home. I kept it to myself and never told a soul until the day we were married and I told my mom!

So back to meeting. Our houses were really close to the school. As a result, mine was the girl hangout+ his was the guy hangout. We walked home from school together most of the days. Our group of friends did just about everything together, so we just grew really close. We are still really close with this group today and love reminiscing on old times!  We dated off and our Junior year,  and then basically didn’t talk our Senior year, because he said he couldn’t talk to me or he’d have to date me, (100% his words, haha), and he didn’t want anything serious.

After high school things started to get a bit more serious. About 6 months later Joe left to Florida to serve a two year mission for our church. You can read more about that here. While he was away I dated a ton, finished hair school + started my full time job as a hairstylist, started coaching the high school cheer team, bought my first truck and traveled a lot with my girlfriends. He came home 2 years later – 10 days before Christmas and we were married in March.

That in a nut shell is how Joe and  I met. I may not have loved that curly hair, but I fell in love with him pretty quick after and have never looked back! He is the best person I could ever ask for to go through this crazy life with!

Kailee Wright_Nordstrom Date Night

joe t-shirt  |  jeans  |  shoes  ||  top  |  jeans  |  wedges (old) – similar  |  clutch – similar  |


harper:  headband  |  shoesdress  || me:  similar top jeans  ||  joe shirt


Five Favorite Travel Beauty Items

Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26

top jeans  |  slippers perfume tanning wipes  |  shampoo + conditioner  face wipes dry shampoo


It has been a busy few weeks around here! It’s not usually the norm for me, but I’ve been doing a LOT of traveling (+ solo!)! I mentioned on Instagram that I headed to Cincinatti for an event with Pampers a couple weeks ago, and am SO excited for a girls trip with some of my favorites  to California this weekend! Since packing + unpacking has been on repeat, I’ve been restocking my favorite travel beauty products and thought I’d share my 5 must haves with you!


I have tried these a couple of times now and definitely give them two thumbs up! The application is so easy, you just wipe it on. They give you a really natural looking glow, which I love, instead of looking super fake or orangey. The BEST thing about them is they don’t leave that tanning smell. I’ve tried at least 5 or 6 other brands, and every single one leaves you with a weird smell! And BONUS, these wipes don’t rub off on my white sheets, which is a huge for me.


I don’t know about you, but after a day of traveling, I always end up feeling yucky. A lot of times I need to head straight to a meeting or dinner and need a quick cover up to help with that blah state. Insert travel perfume! I am obsessed with this Gucci smell. It is really subtle smell that leaves you feeling fresh, but not overbearing like you tried to hard. Haha! I love that it comes in this perfect travel size so there is no digging through checked bags, I can keep it right with me for quick use.


I’m sure most of you are aware that having babies does a real number on your hair! I’ve been really trying hard to work on getting it healthier + stronger. A good friend of mine told me about this Living Proof Shampoo + Conditioner, and after only using it a couple of times, I was so impressed with how silky soft it leaves your hair. I’m excited to see the change in my hair and update you with how it goes. I love that it comes in a travel size so I don’t have to switch back and forth if I’m not home. The travel size also comes with a travel sized deep conditioning mask, which I’ve never been able to find at any beauty supply!


I’m not sure about you, but traveling or not, makeup remover wipes are a MUST. I use them every single night before I wash my face to take off my makeup. I never did this step before, but after seeing how much quicker/easier it made getting it all off for one of my girlfriends I was hooked. I’ve tried a couple of brands and I always go back to these from MAC. I especially love them for traveling. If I have a late night I can use these quickly instead to get rid of that gross feeling instead of washing my face.


It should come as no surprise that Dry Shampoo is on the list! Dry Shampoo is a staple beauty product for me in every day life. If it’s even possible, I love it even more for traveling. If I can avoid it, I usually don’t pack all my hair products for short trips. They take up so much space, and I usually try to do carry on only. If its a quick trip,  I’ll do my hair the day I leave, and keep it going with my trusty dry shampoo.

I’ve tried a lot of different travel products, but feel like these are my go to regulars. And it should be no surprise that Nordstrom is always my go-to! haha. You can never beat there free shipping and returns!  I’d love to hear your favorite travel beauty products you don’t leave home without!! Cause you know I always love finding new amazing products that help make life easier!!

xx kails

Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26Kailee Wright-Beauty Travel Size(Stripe Shirt)-26

in partnership with Nordstrom

photos: aubrey taiese



Weekly Update


 top  |  skirt heels  ||  harper  leggings  |  cardigan  |  moccs  |  headband


Another week has flown by and we are so ready for the weekend!! We have lots to share with this weeks Weekly Update + some great sales! It has been a busy one like usual, but also filled with lots of family time which I love! I mentioned last week that my sister had her adorable baby. We could not love him more and are so glad she lives close so we can get in all the Baby Brooks snuggles we can! My mom has been staying with us all week to be close to help Kenzie and the little people love having her close and I don’t blame them!kailee-wright-sweater

sweater is on MAJOR SALE only $23 + comes in 4 other colors |  jeans and here


Harper girl is so close to completely walking now and I’m not sure how I feel about it! She can take about 20-30 steps at a time now. She has the biggest fan club I’ve ever seen + we all love cheering her on!

Valentines Day is just around the corner and we are so excited!! I love reasons to celebrate with my people, especially when they involve fun traditions like I shared here! If you missed it, I shared my Valentines Gift Guides for Men, Kids, + 5 out of the box ideas for us girls too! Speaking of Valentines Day, Hunter has a Valentine and it is freaking me out! When did she turn into a Tween that likes boys?! Luckily Hudson still thinks it’s cheesy + dumb so I don’t have to worry about him yet! haha! Anyone else going through this stage of life right now?

Utah has been taking it easy on us with this warmer weather, but I am still so excited to be heading to California next weekend SOLO! It will be so nice to take a little break from real life and catch up with some of my best girlfriends! I’m on the look for some great swimsuits + cover ups so if you have seen any will you please share!! Love you guys!!

xx kails

pajamas similar + here + here  |  harper headband  |  brooks outfit



 top  |  joggers  |  slippers



  • Gap:  up to 50% off almost everything + 20% off + free shipping with code EXTRA
  • J. Crew Factory:  up to 40% off new arrivals
  • J. Crew : 30% off Valentines Picks with code XOXO
  • West Elm: 20% off + free shipping with code FEBFUN
  • Old Navy: 20% off everything with code SWEET



jumpsuit similar + here + here  |  jean jacket  |  flats  |  sunglasses



 sweater + here  |  jeans + similar 



dress (sold out) similar + here  |  coat + here  |  shoes  |  phone case + pop socket



 sweatshirt jeans + similar  |  tennies  + here



 sweater  |  jeans  |  slippers  || harper outfit  |  headband  |  moccs  |  nightstand  |  rug



overalls + here + here  |  top  |  flats + here  |  phone case + pop socket 



sweater (sold out) similar  |  jeans + here  |  flats  |  harper headband  |  phone case + pop socket 



top similar jeans + here  |  leather jacket + similarflats + similarphone case + pop socket 



sweatshirt  |  leggings  |  phone case + pop socket 



follow along @kailee_wright