This post is sponsored by Walmart and SheKnows Media.
When it comes to having little people, there are a LOT of decisions suddenly thrown at you. It can be a little overwhelming for anyone! I love going to other experienced moms for advice and try to share my own whenever I can, in hopes of helping a nervous new mom somewhere! Joe + I were just shopping at Walmart for a new car seat so we can keep one in his truck for easy transfers. With car seats + our research fresh in mind (not to mention FIVE kids), I thought this would be the perfect time to share 3 tips I use when picking out a car seat.
I love convertible car seats. Knowing that you can pick out and invest in one care seat is a game changer. For the first few years, it works as a rear facing car seat. When your baby is ready, it can easily be switched to forward facing. I love knowing I don’t have to go find a new car seat after only 2 years. Probably the biggest benefit for us is it works for both babies! Harper can use it as a rear facing seat, but if Houston needs to use it, it works perfect for his size too. One of the biggest selling points for us in choosing the Britax Emblem Convertible Car Seat from Walmart, is the 10 position harness, it goes from tiny newborn to 50 pounds!!!
When it comes to picking a car seat, safety is of course my number one priority, and I’ll talk about that next. But right below that on the list for me is finding one that is easy to clean. I feel like as a new mom, you don’t realize how messy your little one is going to be. A quick trip to the grocery store and back can mean spilled milk + smashed granola bars. So having a car seat with removable cover for easy clean up is a must in my book! Walmart had so many good options, but I love that this car seat has an easy to remove cover for quick clean up, without having to take the whole seat apart.
In addition to picking something easy to clean, the other part of this tip is to pick something that has a neutral color pallet. The excitement over knowing if you are having a boy or girl is so fun. It totally makes you want to go all pink + flowers or blue and baseballs. But if I can give some advice, it would be to save that for decor or accessories. Sticking with a neutral color means the seat can work for future babies too.
Taking a new baby home is such a scary thing. When we brought Hunter home I couldn’t believe they were letting us leave! She was so tiny + fragile. Didn’t we need some kind of special training?! Haha! So to help put your mind at ease, you want your car seat to be as safe and protected as possible. Britax has always been one of our favorite car seat brands. Their safety ratings are always at the top across the board thanks to their SafeCell Technology. The 10 position harness + 3 position recline ensures your baby is extra comfortable, as well as strapped and angled safely for their size. Two layers of Side Impact Protection help keep your baby’s head and neck secured too!
Choosing what is right for you and your baby is completely up to you. What works for your situation might be different. I love to share my experience and tips that have worked for me, in hopes of helping out someone needing some advice! So hopefully you found these tips helpful! I’d love to hear your car seat must haves + favorites too!
in partnership with Walmart
photos : aubrey taiese