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Our Home: Kids Closets

Kailee Wright kids closet organization

my top + jeans + slippers + hat  ||  houston’s top + similar jeans  ||  baskets + step stool4

If you know me, you know I love a good organized space. The clean simplicity of it is something I just crave. It is really something I have tried to teach my little people + show them how nice it feels to be in control of your space and your things. It is definitely still a teaching work in progress with them, but it has been so worth it!! Since it has been a little while since we dove in to any of our #organizewithkailee tips, I thought today we be the perfect time to take you inside our Kids Closets! I didn’t want wasted space just for closets, so everything had to be very functional + serve a purpose.

So below we’ve broken down in detail how we organize everything + what is actually kept in their closets, as well as shared a few tips to helping you organize your own kids closets in a simplified way! So let’s get started!

Kailee Wright Kids closets

wide gray baskets (top shelf)  |  large gray baskets  |  similar small gray baskets


First up, let’s talk drawers! I don’t know about you + your little people, but for us when it comes to “clean” or “organized”, my expectations are a lot higher than theirs. I knew the more stuff we had out and exposed, meant the more stuff I was going to want to look a certain way. Nothing was going to be folded perfectly like I would want because they are kids. Which is why we went with these custom made nice deep drawers. While each drawer has a purpose, how it actually looks insider is a free for all. But guess what, it is FINE because nobody sees inside them! The baskets are the same way. Leggings, tanks. swimsuits, blankets, anything we just want tucked away goes in those baskets.

Kailee Wright kids closet organization

baskets + tags + string

As you’ll see in the picture below, once you open the drawers, they are broken down into categories.  There is one drawer that holds pajamas, underwear and socks. Another holds all their extra shoes that they don’t keep up in their lockers. Nothing is folded and perfect because it can be tucked away…out of sight out of mind!

Kailee Wright Kids closets

Kailee Wright Kids closets


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Kailee Wright Kids closets


Another tip to organizing your kids closets is to keep things they need regular access to at their level. If they can’t reach it, it is going to be left on the ground or chucked up on the shelf because that is the best they can do. We made sure both the boys closet and the girls closet has plenty of low hanging racks for all their regular every day clothes. We try to keep it organized by sections; shorts, t-shirts, long sleeve, church clothes etc.

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Kailee Wright Kids closets


Every time I show any glimpse of the boys or girls room, I am guaranteed to get 2 questions. One, where is all their bedding (pillow + blanket) they sleep with? And two, where are all the toys?! As I’ve shared before, our toys are all in the playroom closet. We keep them all organized and housed there, so they don’t take over our whole house. They can of course take them out and play wherever, but they live in the playroom closet, so bedrooms stay as a sleeping space.

As for the bedding, you’ll see in the picture above, there is an open shelf where they store their pillow and favorite blanket they choose to sleep with. By storing them there, it gives the room a nice uniform simple look once the beds are made. It may not be something that works for everyone, but it fits our style and minimal look we love.

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Now that I’ve given you a little look in to how we organize the kids closets, let’s talk tips to making it happen! It has taken us plenty of trial and error, but these couple of things really seem to make the difference when it comes to keeping it organized once you get it to that point!

Kailee Wright Kids closets


If you have opinionated children (who doesn’t?!) this will be a GAME CHANGER for your mornings! It has completely simplified our morning routine, and taken away so much stress + drama. At the beginning of the week, we plan out the kids outfits. For the  boys they grab bottoms and a top. The girls is a little more complicated and full of more opinions (Hayden), but the same idea. Once you’ve picked out the outfits, we hang them in the order they want to wear them. For Hayden that is “ugliest first”, because she loves to wear her favorite on Friday. Whatever floats your boat! That way, when morning rolls around, there is no thinking about it and wasting that time. You grab the hanger in the front and put it on! Quick and easy!

Kailee Wright kids closet organization

baskets (available in a variety of sizes in black, white, gray, pink, or teal)


One of the biggest reasons kids closets (and adults as well) can get so out of hand is because they just have TOO MUCH STUFF. We tend to bulk up our closets with all the things. When you really take a step back and look at it, you probably wear 25% of it. The same goes for your kids. We try to clean out their closets with them seasonally. By the time a new season rolls around they have either grown out of things, or in Hayden’s case, completely changed what they are ok with wearing at the time.

Keep in mind it is their closets, and they deserve some ownership. If they say they don’t like an item of clothing, chances are they aren’t going to ever wear it, so don’t let it stick around and crowd your space. Try to have some compromise when shopping so they will love what they wear too!

When you are doing this + when you are shopping for new pieces, always try to think of things that are versatile. We tend to buy dresses or tops that will go with multiple pairs of leggings or the other way around, so we can make multiple outfits out of fewer pieces.

Kailee Wright kids closet organization

Hopefully that helps answer all your organizing questions when it comes to our kids closets and their space! If you want to take a look at their full rooms, you can check out the boys room here + the girls room here! If we left anything out, please leave your questions here so we can add them in!

photos : aubrey taiese

Health + Fitness

4 Tips To Simplify Meal Prep

Kailee Wright modern kitchen

my top  |  jeans  |  hat  |  necklace  ||  meal prep containers  |  clean simple eats meal plan  |  food scale

When we did our little poll of content you guys wanted to see here on the blog in 2020, meal prep was a hot topic! Everything from how I do it as a busy mom, to where I find recipe ideas, you asked all the things! I’ve really tried to make healthier eating a priority in my life over the last couple of years. But it takes some trial and error and figuring out what works best for you. So I thought today it would be helpful to share a little video of what I do, as well as  4 tips that helped me get the hang of it, simplify it, and make it work for me, that I hope will help you too!


Now that you’ve checked out the video, you kind of got an inside scoop as to how I do things. So let’s talk about a few tips that help you get into the habit of meal prepping and simplify it to work for you!

Kailee Wright modern kitchen

my top  |  jeans  slippers  |  hat  |  necklace  ||  planter  |  cutting board


With Instagram being so huge in our lives right now, it is SO easy to sit back and compare. You can look through your friends accounts and pick apart alllll the things they are doing that you are not. Healthy choices and meal prep is often one of those things. You may look at your newlywed friend that has her whole week planned out, labeled, and ready to go and think if she can do it why can’t I?

But then I want you to to think, are we in the same season of life? Does her day to do look like mine? Nobody out there is going to have the same life and responsibilities as you. Do what works for YOU and YOUR season. Trying to over do it and take on more than you can handle is going to stress you out more than help you out.


I don’t know about you, but when I start something new, I tend to want to jump allll in and make this huge drastic change. But a lot of the time when I do that, it ends up resulting in failure or me giving up. It is really easy to feel that way with meal prep. You’ll check an Instagram account or Pinterest post and think you have to prep a month worth of all the things on day 1. And oh yeah they need to be extra healthy things you’ve never made before too. Don’t do that to yourself!!

Start simple with just doing meal prep for part of your day. Maybe mornings are extra hectic for you. Choose to meal prep breakfast to give yourself more time for something else. When I first started out, all I did was prep chicken. I would take one big bag of frozen chicken and cook the entire thing at once. One week I would do it as all Grilled BBQ Chicken. We would have enough for a family dinner, and then I would use the rest throughout the week for meals for me. Then I added in instant rice. Or switched up the chicken to Lemon Chicken.

It does not have to be big and elaborate. Your main focus is on starting a good habit you can stick with, and building from there. And one of the things I have loved about this the most is I have started to notice that now my kids go to the fridge to snack on the healthy options I prep too. They are always watching you and want to make the same healthy choices you do when they see how it makes you feel.

Kailee Wright Meal prep


As much as the online world can be a thorn in your side when it comes to comparison and overwhelm, it can also be an amazing resource! There are so many accounts out there specifically working to help you succeed in your health + fitness journey. One of those that I found and is 100% the reason I was able to stick to meal prep is Clean Simple Eats.

To come out and say a product or brand has changed your life might sound a little dramatic, but for me that is what Clean Simple Eats is. Their meal plans gave me the boost to really move forward with a healthier routine for both myself and my family. They take yummy recipes we all know and love, (pizza, tacos, burgers, MILKSHAKES), simplify them, and put a healthy spin on them. I drink their Almond Joy Protein Shake every single day for breakfast and have for over a year because it is that good.

They also take all the guess work out of the prep. Each meal plan comes with a grocery list already done for you for your week, completely taking the extra work out for you. Helping you SIMPLIFY! If you go out to eat, they have a break down of healthy choices you can make on the go too! We LOVE them!! If you want to try them, you can click on this link, and it will get you $15 off any of the meal plans!


Let’s rewind to before I started this healthy journey. Like a lot of moms out there, I was spending a lot of time at home, by myself, with the babies. When you are busy taking care of tiny humans, you tend to put yourself on the back burner. My go to “meal” was chocolate milk and a pop tart. And I’m talking for any meal, not just breakfast. It was quick, easy, convenient, and bonus, I could eat it on the go! Win win right? Wrong!

I felt like garbage all. the. time. I was cranky, impatient, tired, and just not being the mom or person I knew I could be. It was time for a change and to take some me time.

This is the main reason, out of all the things, I choose to prep snacks/treats. Having the healthy option already made and waiting for me in the pantry or fridge has been a game changer. If it is there, I am going to grab that instead of going for the unhealthy option. So taking the time to prep it has been huge for me.

This can be as simple as having fruits already cut up and ready to eat. Or having my fridge stocked with my favorite protein bars (20% off with code KAILEE) or a batch of protein balls (my FAVORITE are from Clean Simple Eats) already made so I can just grab one when I have a sweet tooth, instead of something not as healthy. We are all human and we are going to go for what is quick and convenient. So put those healthy options right in front of your face.

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Kailee Wright modern kitchen

I hope these little tips + blurbs of advice are helpful! Meal prep can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Start simple and do what works for you!! And if you have any awesome tips that have made things go more smoothly for you, I wanna hear them!

photos + video : aubrey taiese 


We love to grill up a huge batch of this chicken at the beginning of the week for dinner, and then use the leftovers for lunches and to snack on throughout the week. I love to eat it on its own or pair it with just rice or potatoes, but it would be great on a salad too!

1/4 cup salad oil

1/4 cup soy sauce

2 Tablespoons ketchup

1 Tablespoon Vinegar

1/4 teaspoon pepper

2 cloves garlic or 1/8 tsp garlic salt

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Our Harper Girl Turns 3

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

my top + jeans + hat  ||  harper’s similar romper here + here + similar top  ||
blanket + art + pillow + nightstand + similar plant

You guys. I don’t know how it happened, but our sweet sweet HARPER girl is THREE today!! Cue allllll the emotions!! While I am so excited for her and completely in love with her little personality, my mom heart is kind of broken. Every year the first 2 weeks of January are hard for me. I really struggle with a new phase ending, because I know it will be for the last time this time. Everything is just so march harder to see come to an end when you know ti is your last little baby. We’ve been in the some form of the baby stage for 13 years now, so my mom emotions are struggling! But sadness behind, I honestly LOVE seeing Harper grow up and her personality shine. We call her our sunshine girl a lot because she is just that for our family. So I thought it would be fun to tell you some of our favorite things + fun milestones!

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday


I wish you could all have a piece of Harper personality in your home. From her sweet singing around the house, to the funny things that have us all rolling, we can’t get enough of her. Here are some of our favorites about Harper:

– Her tiny voice. Harper loves to sing more than any of my other kids ever have. I am constantly recording her when I can sneak it, because I never want to forget the sweet sound. Some of her favorites are Baby Shark, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and I Am A Child of God.

– She is a little artist. She is currently obsessed with colors and stickers and loves to create everywhere, including on my couch a few times!

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

– Harper is OBSESSED with Joe. It is both the absolute cutest daddy crush, and the saddest thing ever for me! Ha! I want to be the favorite. I will put her to bed and then she will just cry and call for DADDDDDYYY! She loves him so much and I don’t blame her one bit. I think he is pretty great too, and seeing their relationship is the cutest. He is in trouble as she grows up because she has him wrapped around her finger.

-She is the baby and everybody knows it. We always tease my sister Kenzie and still call her baby because she was (and still is) SO spoiled. So now my own kids say the same about Harper. They say they know she will get a new car or anything she ever wants because she is the baby and owns us all.

– Harper still loves alll things baby shark. You would think we would all be so sick of the song, but in her tiny voice and big emotions, it is the best!! If you haven’t seen it, go check out my BABY SHARK highlight on Instagram. You’ll die! She insisted on having a baby shark party again, but since we did that last year, we are switching it up and doing a FLAMINGO party! Can’t wait to show you!

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

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kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday


Ah the milestones are what get me, because it means she is growing up faster than I am ready for!! But all my emotions aside, we are so glad to see she is growing and progressing as normal, and love getting to be a part of it. Here are some of current milestones for Harper:

– She is officially the same size as “big” brother Houston. They are both wearing 4T in pretty much all of their clothes. I get asked at least a few times a week if they are twins, and honestly I still believe they were supposed to be. If you haven’t heard my miscarriage story, you can read it here. After multiple miscarriages, I was pregnant with Houston, and I was actually pregnant with twins. We lost the twin during the pregnancy. My mommy heart believes that Harper was that twin that needed to  come on her own time. They are the sweetest duo and have a relationship and bond like no other.

-Harper is totally finding her voice and it is my favorite!! She talks non-stop and I honestly never want to correct her and tell her how to say words correctly because it is too cute.

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

-We are officially starting to potty train, every parents favorite. She is currently only interested in going potty to get a starburst, and could care less about her big potty prize she picked out, sooooo we will see how this goes! Wish us luck!

-She is registered for PRESCHOOL in the fall and I might die! How did the time go by so fast?!! She is going to love it, and I’m sure after some good cries and chocolate, I will enjoy my mommy time too.

kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

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kailee wright Harper 3rd Birthday

That sums it up for our sweet Harper! She is the perfect last puzzle piece to our family and we all can’t get enough of her!!

Health + Fitness

Answering All Your Fitness Questions

Kailee Wright lululemon

my sports bra  |  leggings  |  shoes  |  jacket  |  similar sunglasses

January is upon us and there is nothing I love more than a fresh new start. I just feel so motivated to get things done and work on being a better version of myself. With the new year comes goals, and for a lot of us they involve fitness. Whether it is toning up, losing some weight, or just getting to a better place mentally, fitness is a part of these goals. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about health and fitness, so I thought today would be the perfect time to answer them!

Kailee Wright Finish line Nike

top + + here + similar here  |  similar leggings + here  |  shoes  |  similar sunglasses


Honestly…it took me quite awhile to make it a habit. I go into full detail about how I Finally Got Motivated to Stick to Working Out. It finally just clicked one day and I’ve never looked back!!


For my everyday workout, I switch off between F45 and at home workouts. If I’m at home I try to run/jog a mile, and then do a bbg power workout if I need to find something quick or I’ll just workout a certain body part with some of my favorite moves.


I think one of the hardest parts about working out as a mom, is stepping outside the mom guilt and taking time for you. We all do it. But that time for you is so important for your mental clarity and sanity!! So for me, I make the choice to wake up super early before my kids are even up and get it done. I am home in time for all the before school needs and don’t miss a thing. If there is a morning that I can’t make that happen, I try to get it in in the evening when I have big kids or Joe home to help with the littles. It can also be a fun change of pace to include your toddlers or other kids in your workout. By them seeing the importance you put on your fitness, it can inspire them to do the same. You can check out more tips and ideas I have for this in this blog post.


kailee wright savvit fit workout gear


Yes!! One of the things I am most excited about for 2020, is that we will be sharing a lot more fitness tips and workout ideas here on the blog, Instagram, and Youtube!! We will have step by step workouts, tips on eating healthy, and more. I cannot wait!!!

In the meantime, we do have a few posts from this past year you can check out! Everything is always categorized under the fitness tab on the blog.

Kailee Wright workouts lululemon

Kailee Wright Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Workout


I honestly don’t follow a lot, because I feel like it can be overwhelming and even repetitive. But the ones I follow I LOVE! They are Kelsey Wells @kelseywells, Chontel Duncan @chontelduncan, Bret Contreras @bretcontreras1.


It should come as no surprise to you that I am huge fan of lululemon. You cannot beat the quality of their products, especially their leggings. Two of my favorites to workout in are these and these. I love the high waist, compression, and fit so much.

But I do have a new favorite joining the ranks, and that is the new fitness line I’m helping launch this weekend, Savvi! The leggings are amazing and I am for sure adding them right up there at the top of my list of faves! Keep reading  below to get more details on this awesome new line and the launch!

kailee wright savvit fit workout gear


I can’t wait for you all to try out and see all that is to come with Savvi! The second I saw it I knew it was going to be such a great fit, because health and fitness has been such a huge part of the past year and a half for me. It is such a great opportunity to help build women up and let them stay at home with their babies and still make some money. I am excited to show you how I incorporate fitness style into my everyday. If you wanna shop the line coming out this SATURDAY at 11 am MST make sure you sign up for an account so you can checkout faster and not miss out on getting your size!! Click HERE and create your account. Also, if you want more details on how you can be part of the new Savvi line and my team, you can DM me over @savvi_fit on Instagram.


I hope this post helps answer your fitness questions, and inspires you to make time for you this new year! If I missed any other fitness questions you have, leave them here in the comments or over on Instagram and I will add them in!


Discount Codes

Kailee Wright home office

similar top  |  similar jeans slippers  |  hat  ||  chair + pillow  |  similar rug  |  planter  |  art

January is here and my favorite thing about it is that it screams FRESH START! I love a clean fresh start to all the things, including here on the blog. I get asked all the time if I have codes for certain products + brands, and where you can find them. So to make it easiest for everyone, we’ve rounded up ALLLL our AMAZING discount codes and listed them below. And trust me, there are some good ones you’ll want to take advantage of!

Kailee Wright Navy hair duo

:: NAVY – code KAILEE for 30% off the entire site

First up is Navy!! I am obsessed with their hair products, especially the duo we put together called the Wright Duo. If you need amazing products that will take your hair from drab to blowout fab quick and easy, these are them and I swear by them!!

Kailee Wright Best Beauty Products

:: TULA – code KAILEE for 15% off the entire site

Tula has been my tried and true go to for skin care for years and years and they just keep getting better!! From their moisturizer and toner, to the face filter primer and eye balm, I just cannot get enough! I love the way they make my skin look and feel.

Kailee Wright quick makeup routine

:: SHINE COSMETICS – code KAILEE for 10% off

If you want the best quick natural makeup, look no further than Shine Cosmetics. Their BB Cream is my absolute favorite for a natural look with buildable coverage. And the lip gloss is the best I’ve found. Super moisturizing, not sticky at all, and some great colors. Goals is my favorite.

kailee wright favorite recipes

:: CLEAN SIMPLE EATS – code KAILEEWRIGHT for $15 off any meal plan 

To come out and say a product or brand has changed your life might sound a little dramatic, but for me that is what Clean Simple Eats is. Their meal plans gave me the boost to really move forward with a healthier routine for both myself and my family. They take yummy recipes we all know and love, simplify them, and put a healthy spin on them. We LOVE them! And their protein powders are so delicious! I promise it is the closest thing to tasting just like chocolate milk and you will be in love.

:: CARILOHA – code KW for 20% off the entire site

If getting a good nights sleep is at the top of your priority list, you NEED Cariloha in your life. These pillows are what dreams are made of, literally. They filling is adjustable so you can customize it to your perfect preference, and the case itself is so soft. I swear by them and have gifted them to my whole family! And the goodness doesn’t stop there. We have their towels and sheets too and they are worth every single penny, especially with that amazing discount code.

Kailee Wright Favorite towels geomotry house

:: GEOMETRY TOWELS – code KAILEE15 for 15% off entire site 

If you thought you couldn’t fall in love with dish towel, think again. These are incredible. They are so dang absorbent, it is unbelievable. Add that to the great size and cutest patterns and I promise you will be filling your kitchen and bathrooms with them and gifting them to everyone you know.

Kailee Wright Food Diary

:: G2G – code KAILEE for 20% off the entire site

If your sweet tooth is anything like mine, staying on track when you are craving a snack can be tricky. But not with a fridge full of these. These are hands down the absolute best protein bars in the world. I love having a stock of them to take with me on the go when I’m running kids around, or to grab when I have a sweet craving. Keep them in your fridge for an extra yummy taste.

kailee wright loopy case

:: LOOPY – code KAILEE10 for 10% off 1 case or KAILEE15 for 15% off 2 or more

Anyone else feel like their hands are always full with babies, bags, and all of the things?! Well Loopy has you covered. Their cases are AMAZING for keeping you hands free AND protecting your phone at the same time. I love that I don’t have to worry so much about dropping my phone, and can use my hands to help kids even while carrying my phone. LOVE these cases and have had one for years!

Kailee Wright Gigi Pip

:: GIGI PIP – code KAILEESHIP for free shipping

It should come as no surprise to you that I have an obsession with these hats. They are 100% my go to! The fit is amazing on every style, and the quality really can’t be beat. I love throwing them on to spruce up an outfit, or cover up day 5 or 6 hair ( I know I”m not the only one!). Whether you like the brim, ball cap, or beanies, you will love Gigi Pip!

Kailee Wright Kiwi Co boxes

:: KIWI – code KAILEE for 1st month free (you just pay shipping)

If you want to see some very excited kids, come to our house on Kiwi Mail day! These subscription boxes are my kids absolute favorites. I love that they promote learning and using their imagination. They are amazing for all ages from baby to teen!

Kailee Wright freshly Picked leopard

:: FRESHLY PICKED – code FPxKAILEE for your first month of your Fringe Membership + a $5 credit

We love ALL things Freshly Picked over here. From the adorable kids shoes, to the super functional bags, we love it all!! And it is even better when you have the Fringe membership. Fringe members get exclusive products + discounts, 20% off everything including sale items, and more amazing perks!!

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That should cover all of our current discount codes! But I will always keep this post up to date so you can refer back here and get the latest discounts!


5 Tips To Simplify Your Closet

kailee wright master closest organization

my top  |  jeans  |  hat  |  baskets  |  carpet

It is the beginning of a new year, and to me that screams fresh start. Tis the season of goal making , organizing, and simplifying. If you’ve seen any of my room tour posts, or have really been here for any stretch of time, you know I am sucker for all things organization. Minimalist is so my middle name. Just give me all things, clean + simple! When we moved into our new home, I really wanted to carry this mindset into my wardrobe. I didn’t want my Master Closet to turn into an episode of hoarders, when the rest of my house had such a simple vibe. So I knew it was time to simplify. You guys, I am LOVING it!! So today I wanted to share 5 of my tips to simplify your closet.

kailee wright master closest organization

Tip #1 : If you put something new in, you have to take something old out.

Out with the old, in with the new 100% applies to your closet too. It is the easiest way to keep your wardrobe from taking over your closet. For the most part I try to stick to the same “category”. If I buy a new cardigan, than an old one has got to go.

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Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

Tip #2 : Don’t have clothes just to be able to fill your space.

I would be the majority of women wear about 20% of the clothes they actually own. Why do we do that to ourselves? Before simplifying my closet, I will admit I was one to keep a top because “someday I might go to …”. To help simplify your closet, stick to the staple pieces you are going to get regular use out of. I’m not saying you can’t keep those special occasion pieces, but they should be the minority in your closet, not the majority.

Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

baskets  |  hanging black tags  |  string

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Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

 similar wire baskets

Tip #3 : Quality over Quantity

This closet simplifying tip might have a little more personal opinion to it. To me, I would MUCH rather spend the extra money on a piece of clothing that will last for years. Something that is timeless and the quality will truly stand the test of time. I want pieces I can wear the crap out of day in and day out and they hold up to the challenge. I would rather spend more money and have 3-4 quality sweaters than 7-8 that aren’t going to make it through one season. When it comes to your clothes, less is more!! Invest in pieces that will be staples for you and your style and work for years.

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Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

white organizing cubes

Tip #4 : Less stuff in your closet = Less stuff in your head!

This “tip” is more like a revelation I had once I simplified my own closet. If your wardrobe is out of hand so it is creeping into hoarder territory, you will be more stressed out. Guaranteed. Think about your morning when you are picking out an outfit. If you have to sift through 20 tops and 10 pairs of identical jeans, you are going to get frustrated. Simplifying your options makes getting ready more efficient and less stressful.

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Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

clear drawer dividers

Tip #5 : ORGANIZE!!

Nothing makes me happier in my home than an organized space. So an organized closet is even better and one of my biggest tips to simplifying! I love to have things sectioned off into what they are. Everything has a place, so that makes both cleaning up and finding what you’re looking for easier. I also love to color coordinate, because not only is it more pleasing to the eye, but it makes throwing an outfit together so much easier!

Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

jewelry organizer

Kailee Wright Organizing Your Closet

clear tray for belts  |  white trays for sunglasses and watch bands


I really do believe that simplifying my closet has given me more clarity and less stress! So whether it’s from the overall feeling of clean and organized, or the time I’ve saved getting ready, I am loving it and know you will too!

photos : aubrey taiese 


20 Goals in 2020

Kailee Wright 2020 goals

my top  |  jeans + similar  |  slippers  |  hat  ||  planter  |  similar cutting board

We have officially started 2020 and a fresh new year. For most people that means sitting down and thinking about some goals they would like to accomplish in the new year. I’ve never been a huge fan of making big long lists of goals, just because its a new year, but I saw my friend Merrick do this fun 20 goals in 2020 and wanted to try it out for myself!

So while 20 goals seems a little crazy, you’ll see that I’m not one to make huge unreachable goals that I know will end in disappointment. For me it is things I can do to be more intentional with my time and my people. So here are my 20 for 2020, that will hopefully help inspire you to simplify your own goals and rock it in this new year!

Kailee Wright 2020 goals

my top  |  jeans + similar slippers  |  hat  ||  chair + pillow  |  rug  |  planter  |  art


One of my biggest focuses for 2020 is to really be intentional with how and where I spend my time. I want big things for this brand but I also know these years with my little people are the most important, so finding a balance is my biggest focus as we go into 2020.

  • Spend less time distracted on my phone.
  • Be more efficient with my work time. Work faster and more accurately.
  • Be all there. If I am with my family, let my mind be 100% there and not thinking of a to-do list I have waiting for me.
  • Make time to read + study my scriptures or listen to an uplifting talk or podcast daily.
  • Set aside time for me. Usually for me personally, it is to workout. But something every day that keeps me mentally healthy and strong to be good mom and wife.
Kailee Wright lululemon

sports bra | leggings | shoes | jacket | similar sunglasses


My overall health and fitness were a huge part of 2019. I really put a focus on taking care of myself and getting healthier so I can be stronger both physically and mentally. I have loved the changes I’ve seen in how I feel and can’t wait to continue this healthy journey this year.

  • Continue to eat healthier
  • Get stronger
  • Drink more water
  • Go to bed earlier so I get a full nights rest but am still able to wake up early to workout.
  • Share more of what has worked for me to help inspire other women to meet their fitness goals.
kailee wright behind the scenes family pictures

hunter’s top + skirt || hayden’s similar jumpsuit || joe’s shirt + tie + pants houston’s shirt + pants + similar jacket + shoes || my dress || harper’s similar romper || hudson’s shirt + pants


There is nothing in the world more important to me than my family and spending all the time I can with them. They are a big focus of my goals this year.

  • Spend more one on one time with my kids
  • Make date night a higher priority and get it on the schedule regularly
  • Regular family date night
  • Study Come Follow Me regularly as a family
  • Continue morning family scripture study

kailee wright diaper donation


Something that is really important to me when it comes to making goals, is that they don’t always have to have this major bold deadline. Some of the best goals and dreams we can have for ourselves take time. We don’t always have a for sure due date.

  • Be part of a service project to help others monthly
  • Hit our brand goals as a business
  • Finish the Book of Mormon
  • Pay off a chunk of our mortgage
  • Make a small investment

I hope whatever your age and stage in life, you are looking at this new year as a fresh opportunity to do and be whatever you want to be! And know that I’m here cheering you on and in to 2020!!


BEST OF 2019

Welcome to 2020!!! I can’t even believe I am saying that. I swear we were just dealing with the drama of Y2K, blinked, and here we are!! I am so excited for a fresh new year here on the blog. We have so much exciting new content coming up that I know you are going to love and I can’t wait to share it all with you! But before we jump in to the new year, I thought it would be fun to do a little recap post highlighting the BEST OF 2019! So keep reading to check out your top 10 most loved products of 2019, as well as your very favorite blog posts too!

01. Tula Eye Balm | 02. Bathroom Organizing Caddy | 03. Crib Tent |
04. Nike Hoodie | 05. Slippers | 06. jeans | 07. long sleeve top | 08. doll | 09. Sneakers | 10. Apple Watch band


Raise your hand if you feel like you are always tired, and it is starting to show?! This Tula Eye Balm is a game changer when it comes to fighting those tired under eyes. Not only does it help fill in fine lines around your eyes, it cools and hydrates at the same time. You will feel and look refreshed and nobody will be the wiser! You can use code KAILEE for 20% off too!


If organization brings you as much joy as it brings me, you need this bathroom organizing caddy in your life. It is so convenient to be able to just grab the handle and pull out one little caddy with all my morning needs, instead of sorting through multiple bins and drawers. Everything is clear and sleek so not only does it look good, but it is easy to see what you are looking for.


When I posted this crib tent on my Instagram Stories, my inbox was flooded with questions asking what in the world it was for, and then follow ups asking where to get one! It is every toddler parents dream when it comes to keeping your little one safely in their crib and not attempting any escapes.


Who knew a simple hoodie could be such a hit! But I don’t blame you one bit. In fact I love it so much I have it in two colors and so does my assistant! It is the perfect relaxed fit without being too baggy, and the neckline gives it a more flattering feminine look. It has been on of my go to faves all winter long.


Is there anything better than super comfy cozy slippers?! The second I walk in the house I have to put mine on. I love the fun feminine look of these, but they are tighter and slimmer, not too bulky to where around.


These jeans have been in my favorite rotation for at least 5 years and I am still just as in love with them as day 1. They have the perfect amount of stretch to be comfortable without being saggy and the distressing is just right.


I love that you guys love your basics just as much as I do! You can never go wrong with a closet full of staple pieces like this basic long sleeve, which is why I may or may not have it in 3 or 4 colors! It is such a great classic fit, perfect for dressing up or down and for layering!


Harper isn’t the only one that loves this doll. So many of you fell in love too when you saw it as her constant companion on stories. It is soft like a stuffed animal, making it extra cozy to sleep with. Plus it comes with the cute accessories that let them be little mini mamas. So so cute!!


When I need a good pair of sneakers, these are my go to and were definitely the shoe of 2019 here on the blog. I love that they come in a variety of cute color combos, and are so light and comfortable for working out or just running errands.


The one question I got just about every time I showed my hand, was about my Apple Watch band. I am a little picky and truly just love the Apple original, but so many of you fell in love with this awesome affordable version I shared too. With so many colors to choose from, you are guaranteed to find one that fits your style!

. . . BEST BLOG POSTS OF 2019 . . .

Kailee Wright happy home

:: 6 Tips for A Happier Home

Kailee Wright Navy hair care

:: 5 Tips To Training Your Hair

:: 7 Tips for Building A Healthy Routine

Five minute Hairstyles Kailee Wright

:: 5 Five Minute Hair Styles for Girls

kailee wright morning routine

:: 6 Tips To Help Take The Stress Out of Your Morning Routine

That wraps it up for us in 2019! We hoped you loved being part of this community as much as we did! And we cannot wait for what 2020 has in store for us!


Preparing For 2020 With Our Favorite Planners

Kailee Wright North Face Coat

houston’s coat + pants + shoes + beanie  ||  my top + coat + jeans + shoes + beanie + sunglasses  ||  harper’s dress + leggings + shoes + coat + beanie

Welcome back everyone!! I hope you all had the Happiest of Holidays with your people! I love this time of year so much and all the extra time we get to just be together. So so fun! While I’m still definitely in rest + relaxation mode, my organized obsessed brain is thinking ahead to 2020! One of my biggest goals this year is to really value my time and where I spend it. And one of the best ways to do that is with a planner! I know I know, there are so many apps and online calendars you can use these days, but for me there is nothing better than writing it down to make it happen! I love that feeling of checking off a to do list. So with that in mind, today I’ve rounded up my favorite planners, including my go to this year!

Kailee Wright Planner Guide01. erin condren  |  02. rad + happy  |  03. rifle paper co.  |  04. simplified  |  05. ban.do  |  06. riley


A friend told me about these planners last Christmas and I am so happy I snagged one. They are 100% my dream planner, because they are completely customizable. You can choose layouts as detailed as hourly and customize vertical and horizontal set up. She also has tons of fun stickers that help you feel even more organized! LOVE LOVE these planners!


If you follow Tara at Rad + Happy, you know that she really is all things happy and sunshine just like her name says. She just added planners this last year I think, and they have been flying off the shelf. The option I love the most is the undated planner. Let’s say you go on vacation and don’t really need to use your planner for a week. Or really only use it during the school year. Tara has solved all your problems because you fill in the dates as you go, never wasting pages. Plus her freaking cute coloring pages are scattered throughout the planner too, making the perfect stress reliever.


These planners are super simple, but still have such a clean “to do list” style layout I love. They always have gorgeous covers too. I think they are perfect if you don’t have a ton of different schedules to manage, but still want to keep you lists and day to day organized.


This is another great option if you have a lot happening in one day, and you want to see it all in one place without the clutter of the rest of the week to distract you. These daily planners show one day per page in an hourly format (with weekends) sharing a page, and have space for to do’s, schedules, meal ideas, and notes. I love the hardbound cover too!


I spotted this cute planner out shopping the other day, and thought it was the cutest simple option for your teen. It doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but just enough for the to keep track of homework, classes, and extra-curricular stuff. Plus what teen girl wouldn’t love that little bit of gold sparkle?!


Last but not this is this Best Year Ever Riley Planner. First of all the cover is so dang cute, but I love that it is a more compact option to take with you on the go and not take up a ton of space. It has just enough space to jot down a few notes and to do’s. I think it would be another great option for a teen/student.

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I hope this gets all your motivated organized juices flowing and helps you prep for an awesome new year!!



kailee wright behind the scenes family pictures


Wishing you all the happiest of holidays! As I look back on this past year, I am so incredibly grateful for what I have been blessed with. My family and the opportunity to create such incredible memories together is the best present I could’ve ever asked for. But right at the top of the list as well is you guys.  I couldn’t do what I do without each and every one of you. Your love and support means the world to me, and pushes me to grow and learn every day. I am so grateful for your love and support in this community! I can’t wait to share another year of new exciting things to come with you here! Thank you again for being here + all your support!! We hope you have a very happy holidays!


xoxo kailee


New Years Eve Looks: Glam to Cozy and everything in between

Kailee Wright Holiday lace pants

top pants bag  |  similar ring  |  sunglasses

You guys! I can’t believe we are already coming to the end of 2019! It feels like it was the fastest year of my life!! With the New Year being so close to the rush and fun of the Christmas Holiday, I like to think ahead about our plans, so I’m not stressing over what to wear at the last minute! Whether you are headed to a fun fancy party, getting together with friends, or staying cozy at home with your little people, I’ve got you covered with 4 different New Years Eve looks you’ll love!

Kailee Wright Holiday Dresses

my dress


I don’t know about you, but I feel like for moms, opportunities to pull out the sparkle and go full glam are few and far between! If you are headed out to a fun fancy party to ring in the new year, I say go all out!! How often do you get to pull out that sparkly dress or fancy heels to rock?


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Kailee Wright Holiday lace pants

top pants bag  |  similar ring  |  sunglasses  |  shoes


Maybe not quite as glamorous as option one, dressed up date night is still such a fun outfit to put together. One of my favorite go to items right now that always gives such classic polished look is lace! These lace pants are my favorite recent find and they are such a great piece to dress up for a New Years date night!


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Kailee Wright North Face Coat

my coat + beanie + shoes  ||  harper’s coat + beanie + shoes  ||  houston’s coat + beanie + shoes


One of the next two options is where you will usually find me on New Year’s Eve! And I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love a fun night out with the family! For me the outfit that goes along with it has got to be comfortable!! My go to is a great pair of high waisted jeans, a basic tee, and some comfy shoes for chasing all the people around!


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Kailee Wright Finish line Champion

hoodie  |  joggers  |  shoes  |  sunglasses


Last but not least is probably my favorite thing to be wearing, all things cozy! Give me a comfy pair of joggers or leggings any day!! I love spending New Years Eve at home cuddled up with my people playing games and watching movies!


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I hope this helps you prep for whatever festivities you have planned this New Years Eve, so you can focus on the people and the memories! Happy Holidays!


4 Reasons I Love an All Black Outfit

Kailee Wright Loft Outlet

my top  |  jeans  |  booties  |  coat  |  necklace  |  ring  |  sunglasses

Sponsored by  Loft Outlet + ShopStyle

This time of year seems to always add a lot of events to our calendars! Whether it is a fancy holiday party, a date night out with friends, or watching your little people in their school performances, there is a lot to do! You are seeing a lot of people, some of which you don’t see often, so you want to look your best. But who wants to add coming up with an outfit to their to do list right now?! So today I am teaming up with  LOFT Outlet, one of my favorite places to find stylish steals, to share my go to look with you, and 4 reasons why I love an all black outfit!

Kailee Wright Loft Outlet


I don’t think there is anyone that can’t get on board with this reason! Wearing all black is slimming for any figure and is a great way to helping you look long and lean. It gives your body one nice line and there aren’t other colors drawing attention to any specific problem areas. I love that it gives such a classic sleek look. These jeans from LOFT Outlet are such a great slim fit, and you can’t go wrong pairing them with a basic fitted black top.

Kailee Wright Loft Outlet


Black is by far the easiest look to dress up or down. I love taking black jeans like these or these from  LOFT Outlet and a great basic tee and pairing them with some boots and a cute beanie for an easy day look, and then switching it out for some fun heels and a nicer coat for a more dressed up evening look. Having versatile basics like this in my closet are a must for me! And I love that they are so affordable yet on trend at LOFT Outlet.

Kailee Wright Loft Outlet


Black is so easy to accessorize! You are basically working with a blank canvas, so your accessories get to describe your look for you! You can keep it simple with some classic jewelry like this necklace and earrings, or spice it up by adding some pops of color or pattern like this belt.  By just switching your accessories, but keeping that solid canvas, you can transform your look completely.

Kailee Wright Loft Outlet


Last but not least, black is so classic. Black is a color that no matter what, it is going to be on trend. (it’s not going anywhere ladies) It is so classy and timeless, and will make you look + feel put together with little effort. Who doesn’t love that?!

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I hope these little tips help you tackle that holiday outfit you’ve been dreading! You can shop all these looks and some more amazing stylish and affordable looks at  LOFT Outlet!

Kailee Wright Loft Outlet
photos : aubrey taiese 


follow along @kailee_wright