A Life Update - Kailee Wright
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A Life Update

kailee wright life update

my swim top + bottoms + hat  ||  hunter’s swim top + bottom  ||  hayden’s swim  ||  hudson’s swim  ||  harper’s swim  ||  houston’s swim  ||  similar flamingo float  ||  aqua lounge float

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Anyone else feel like summer is so so busy?! I am starting to think it is busier than the school year!! We are down to just a few more weeks before the kids are back in school so we are trying to pack in as much fun as possible!!! With life being so crazy busy, I feel like it has been a while since I got on here or even on Instagram and gave an update on everything going on . So since it has been today I’m filling you in on everything from the new home build to my current mental state and everything in between!

kailee wright moving


The house is moving forward slowly but surely. We had a few delays which we expected, but after a few design meetings we are hoping to have preliminary designs back today! We got the main floor plan all figured out, which was our biggest (and hardest goal) and now we are starting on the exterior design. You can follow along some of those ideas over on my Pinterest page.

kailee wright life update

joe’s hat + top  ||  my hat + shorts + similar swim


Ah I love Summer so much! It has been crazy busy but packed with fun too! We have had lots of pool days and family come and visit a lot to help celebrate the 4th, baby blessings, and birthdays. It felt so nice to be able to travel more this year as well! We have been down to St. George a few times, as well as a couple trips to our cabin which we all LOVE! It is so nice to be disconnected from the world and just soak up the family time! We are so excited to go on Hudson’s 12 year old trip to Boston as well! Don’t even get me started on how emotional I am that he is already 12!!!

kailee wright life update



Hunter has been training like crazy for High School soccer tryouts! She is building a ton of confidence and muscle and it has been amazing to watch. We absolutely love watching her and are so excited for what is to come this year for her. I’m in denial that she is getting closer to high school, but love how our relationship has grown as we have more in common and just have late night chats together. She has been my life saver with babysitting for me this summer too!


Hudson is still Mr. Baseball and loving every second of it! He has had tournaments all summer and his little team is so fun to watch!! They are heading to Colorado and finishing up the season. He is turning 12 (cue all the tears) and so pumped for his solo trip with Joe and I. We are headed to Boston and I cannot wait to have him all to ourselves!


Has finally found her love in life and it is CHEER!! She is such a good little tumbler and is already advancing so fast!! I did cheer and coached for a few years too, so it has been so fun to do this together!


Our Boogie just turned 6 and I can’t even believe it!!! Of course he instantly started acting like he is 16 with his backwards hat and necklace he made. He just lost his 2nd tooth and I am not ok about it!  Kindergarten starts in about a month from now and I am so not ready!! He is my best little helper and Harper’s BFF so we are both going to struggle.


Last but not least is my Harpy girl. She FINALLY got her big girl bed and is obsessed with it! She promised me she would only have 1 more birthday and wouldn’t turn older than 5. I am trying to soak up her sweet hilarious little energetic spirit!

kailee wright life update

similar top + pants + hat 


I don’t even know where to start on an update on me. The last few months have been so weird, different, and hard for me mentally. It is hard to explain actually, so hopefully this makes sense to someone!  I feel happy, but not happy at the same time, and content but not fully content at the same time. It is almost like I just don’t feel 100% of either thing but my mind is trying to tell me I should be because there is nothing really going on to make me feel otherwise. I told you it was confusing! But it has been kind of taking a toll on me. I just don’t feel like myself fully.

I’ve been looking into counseling or therapy, but go back and forth and second guess myself on if that is what I need and if it will help. Over the last couple weeks I’ve been thinking about trying a hiking retreat for women or a  life coach as well. So we will see what I decide and helps the most there. For now I had a friend recommend taking a  notebook and writing down all my thoughts and everything, kind of like a  brain dump to help get it all out of my head to sort through and work through it. It has been helping a lot.

Work is crazy town and I honestly have just not been feeling totally fulfilled by it lately. You may have noticed I haven’t been as present over on Instagram while I try to figure it out. I’m trying to find a groove between it still bringing me joy but also helping to provide for my family as well.

I’m sure that all sounds confusing and random, but I never want to get on here and act like everything is always sunshine and roses. I struggle with mental health, self care, mom guilt, and burn out just like everyone else and I never want it to come across as not that way.

. . . 

I hope you are all having a fantastic summer and soaking up all the fun times! Thank you so much for being here and for all your support always! I am still a firm believer we have the kindest community on the internet!


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5 × four =

  1. hi Kailee! I have always loved your blog! You inspire me with your positivity and mad organizational skills! Thank you for your honestly in sharing about your mental health. I am a mom with four kids and know exactly how you feel…it is a weird stage of life to be done having kids. I think a lot of us feel the ups and downs associated with mental health. You are not a lone! Hang in there and keep bringing light into your life and others. I’m cheering you on!

  2. Loved your family updaTe. Reading the update on you felt Like i was reading about how i’ve been feeling. I have EMPATHY and compassion for you. Not a fun place to be in and it sucks because Its not like something has happened. Thank you for sharing…it makes me feel not so alOnE. It can’t be easy Opening yourself up to The IG world. Please know i think the world of you.
    I hope yoy guys have the best trip with Hudson! Good luck to hunter! Such a fun and stressful time.

  3. I totally get it. I was in the same.boat. Therapy has been such a huge help this summer. I highly suggest talking to a professional.
    I’ve been going since may and it’s been a huge help talking through it all with someone who is a professionAL and can look at things as a big picture.
    . Good luck.

  4. Hey SWEETIE, you hang in there. I RECOGNIZE youR Life and feelings. Your dOinG all the right stuff. So no ADVICE. Just know if you wait a minute it will change, all to fast. Enjoy Your babies.

  5. Your Feelings about yourself resonated so Much with me. I Am feeling the same way. Like im in a funk and i cant just get out of it. I feel tired aNd not like myself. I keep reminding myself its just a funk, it will end.

  6. Kailee, we all have Moments of weakness or when we feel something is just off and a bit off. I try to make a better haBbit of reading my bible more and spending more time in prayer. the burdens And Answers are listened to, and i find, overall more peace with things in life. Praying for you and your familY in this busy season of life!

  7. Love you and all of your posts. I have learned from you and found new products to love. You are thE best blOgger ever…hands down!!❤️

  8. Therapy has done wonders for me. I wasn’t struggling with Anything major but its nice to have a place of my own to talk things out and vent. Take your time figuring things out. Self care is so importAnt.


  9. Don’t hesitate to Find a counselor. Even when “nOthing is wrong” per se a great counSelor can hElp you get Clarity and the big one for me was the knowledge that i wasn’t alone in my struggles anD that my feelings were Valid. Highly recommend!

  10. Hi Kailee! Thank you for being so Raw anD honest. I think we (as moms, wives, or just as women in general) all go THROUGH SOMETHING like this, but so many are EMBARRASSED or ashameD to talk about It so instead we think wE’re the weird ones and go THROUGH it alone.
    I have no idea if this could be, but One thing thay came to mind when reading Your post is that i wonder if your hysterectomy could play a role in this?

  11. you’re right in Thinking counseling or therapY might not be thenbest choice, but don’t cross iT off the list without giving it a shot. Someone dedicated to listening just to you for Even a few visits does Wonders.

    I share your summer time bLues anD wish you quAlity healing!

  12. Kailee, thank you for your vulnerability and honesty. I’m sorry that you haven’t been feeling quite like yourself. I think that a lot of us have been feeling this way over the past 18 months. Please, extend yourself as much grace as you would a dear friend. I think that counseling/therapy is always helpful. perhaps your hormones are changing? I could also be the incredible amount that you carry each day. In any case, know that you don’t owe us anything and you should take all the time you need. Sending you my best.

  13. Love and light to you! What your feeling is normal and more Common than poeple think! A Mothers work is never done ‍♀️ Aside from that, you aRe doing the best you can right Now. self care is nothing to feel guilty about, says the mom who cOmpletely understands the funk that you are in! Life is changing, milestoNes are being met and that can be overwhelming for us moms who just don’t want their babies to grow Up… yet!
    Prayers for you on tHis part of your JourneY

    Always give it to god!!

  14. Thanks for being real and i know eXactly how you feel. Thanks for not making me feel aLone in the battle.


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