8 Tips For Building A Healthy Routine - Kailee Wright
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8 Tips For Building A Healthy Routine

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If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that I’ve really been putting a major focus on my health and taking care of myself, both mentally and physically. But prior to the last 4 years or so, it was pretty low on my list of priorities! I’ve had a lot of questions on how I made such a drastic change, what helped and what didn’t, and alll the things in between! I am definitely no expert on this and still learning what works and what doesn’t, but today I wanted to share 8 tips that have really helped me to build a healthy routine.

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When it comes to accomplishing a goal, or motivating yourself to stick to something, having a partner is such a game changer. Just knowing that someone is counting on you can be the push you need. It will push you to wake up and do your workout, to push yourself a little harder, and most importantly to not quit, because you aren’t just letting yourself down, you are letting them down too!! Having a partner in your healthy routine also gives you someone to vent to that is working through the same challenges as you.


While getting into a healthy routine is so great for your body both physically and mentally, pushing yourself too hard isn’t. Start small and progress as you go. Not only will it be easier on your body, but you are much less likely to get frustrated with yourself and give up. You can’t go from couch potato to marathon runner overnight. Start with a simple goal you know you can accomplish, and push yourself from there.


If you are a parent, you know that you can change how your people see the simplest of tasks by setting up a system to track their progress. Reading charts, potty training sticker sheets, chore charts, they all work the same way. Set a goal for yourself, track your progress, and don’t forget the reward!! The same goes for getting in to a healthy routine. Have goals. Maybe yours is to be able to run a race a few months away or do a certain amount of pull ups. Whatever it is, right it down and set up a plan. Having something in your mind to reach for is HUGE motivation to get into that routine.


While your reason for getting in to a healthy routine may not be for weight loss, taking progress pictures is a huge motivator. I didn’t go in to this dying to lose a bunch of weight, my goal was to tone up and feel like I had better muscle and endurance. But a friend told me to take “before” pics anyway. I am so happy I did. Because on those days where I feel like this is all pointless and doing nothing for me, those picture comparisons are something I can physically SEE a change and it is so motivating.

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One of the questions I get asked most is where I find ideas for my workouts. I love finding and following accounts that offer SIMPLE EASY TO FOLLOW workout ideas so I can take their ideas and mix them up. Some of my very favorites right now are Lauren Gleisberg and Madeline Custer. Their workouts are a mix of weights + cardio. I love that they are easy to follow along to, and great at answering any questions you have. They both have workout programs you can buy (that I love), but they also have tons of free content in their feed so you can try it out first and see if their style matches what you are looking for.


For me, getting in to a healthier routine wasn’t just about working out, but about eating healthier too. If you are anything like me, the thought of meal planning seems TOTALLY overwhelming. So I had to do what worked. I started with focusing on just one meal a day. Once I did that I could feel the change in energy and how I felt. And that encouraged me to bring it into all of my eating. If you need tips to start out, I shared my beginners guide to meal prep here.


Water is KEY to any healthy routine and such a simple step. But sometimes those simple steps are the accomplishments we need to make us feel like a rock star and work harder towards our other goals. For me getting my water in means making sure I fill up my water bottle and take it with me every where I go. It follows me from room to room and in the car so I am constantly hydrating. If water isn’t your jam, try adding some fresh fruit or yummy true lemon to flavor it a little and get you past the boring flavor.


Last but maybe most important, is to always think progress over perfection. I am here to tell you that you are not going to see or feel changes over night. Getting into the habits of a healthy routine takes a lot of time, hard work, and patience. Be proud of your progress and yourself for making the choice to work on it, and celebrate the little successes.

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Like I said, I am still a work in progress in finding the balance in my own healthy routine. But I hope these tips that have helped me, will help you as well! Just remember, you are killing it just by doing your best to take care of you!

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