4 Ways to Simplify Motherhood - Kailee Wright
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4 Ways to Simplify Motherhood


me:  shirt + not maternity  |  jeans similar  |  small necklace  |  long necklace  |  bracelet cuff  ||  houston:  shirt  |  shorts (similar)  |  diaper bag or here

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One question I get asked all the time is how do I balance my job, Joe’s crazy work schedule and all of the little peoples schedules + stay sane? Well, I’m still trying to find that balance. haha. So I’m currently writing + compiling a blog post about this, but in the meantime I thought I would share four tips that have helped simplify motherhood for me. The sad thing is one of these I just started doing a few weeks ago after my mom suggested it.


1. Have a great diaper bag. This has seriously made a huge difference for me. If you’ve been following along here or on Instagram for awhile you know I love THIS bag!! I have used it every day since Houston was born. I am one that has to have a TON of pockets and I thrive off organization. With four littles and running to and from practices I’ve been able to carry almost all of their stuff and keep it separated.


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2. Pack your diaper bag the night before. This has helped us get out the door “almost” on time and not forget anything!! I started doing this a year ago, after I had Houston because we were always forgetting things, as we were rushing around in the mornings. As soon as we come home from being out or running errands I usually hurry and restock the bag with all of Houston’s favorite snacks (like these little journey yogurt melts) puffs, toys, diapers and whatever else we need. It has made a big difference in our mornings. Plus, one of the older kids is assigned to grab the bag and pack it in the van while I get the baby in. (one less thing to worry about).

3. Wake up 15 mins earlier then you really need to. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t think of this…or if my mom brain + body just really thought that an extra 15 minutes of sleep would be totally worth it. My mom said she had heard this somewhere that another mother said that this simply thing (of waking up 15 mins earlier) has made all the difference in their mornings and getting off to places on time.

So a few weeks ago I decided to try it. And it really has made ALL the difference in our mornings!! I am more calm and we have actually been on time to almost everything since the change. I think the secret is to not act like you have those extra 15 mins. They are just built in for those blow-outs, 5 year old tantrums, spilt milk or anything else that seems to happen and delay getting out the door. Really please try this one and let me know if it works for you!!

4. Have a comfortable + functional outfit. I love my basic jeans + tee look. It’s always what I am most comfortable in, nothing is hanging out (if you know what I mean) and I love that if I have a meeting, girls night or rare date night with the hubby I can just throw on heels and a jacket to dress it all up. I linked a bunch of my favorite “momiform” items below to help you out — if your in need of some good basics.


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I hope some of these tips can help or even spark some new ideas for you!! If you have any tricks that work for you and your family PLEASE do share them in the comments. Because we all know we all could use some new tips here and there. Thanks for all your support + awesome ideas here. I absolutly love hearing back from you all!!!

xx – kails

Kailee Wright_Basic Tee_Jeans-1

white tee  |  jeans + here  |  converse  |  diaper bag  |  sunnies  

kailee-wright_aldi-little-journey-26kailee-wright_aldi-little-journey-3kailee-wright_aldi-little-journey-21 kailee-wright_aldi-little-journey-1 kailee-wright_aldi-little-journey-34kailee-wright_aldi-little-journey-29

photos: corissa ann

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