Goals for 2018 - Kailee Wright
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Goals for 2018

Kailee-Wright-old navy box

coat + similar  |  sweater dress  |  boots (old)  similar + here  ||  hunter:  beanie  |  top  |  jeans  ||  hudson:  beanie  |  jacket  |  shirt  |  pants  ||  hayden:  beanie  |  top  |  jeans


Time seems to be flying by and 2018 is here! I can’t even believe it! I swear I remember all the crazy Y2K worries and here we are 18 years later! My favorite thing about a new year is a fresh start. To me it is like getting a clean slate. With the fresh start always seems to be the addition of goals for the year. I love sitting down with a notebook and planning out a few things I want to focus on for the year.I  love hearing goals other people have because they usually spark ideas for me as well, so I thought I’d share this years top 4!

…Wake Up Before My Little People + Get Ready for the Day

This may seem like a simple goal, but it is something that makes a huge difference in my day. It has always been something I  really try to do, but since the move + all the crazy that comes along with it I have gotten out of the habit. I find that when I wake up even just an hour earlier than my people, I have time for so much. If I can get dressed + put together which always has me feeling more productive the rest of the day. I can take the time to look over my schedule for both work and family life and know what the day holds. That simple extra hour or so can turn my whole day around.

…Do Something Physical 3 Times A Week

I know I know, this is such a cliche goal. Just about everyone out there makes a goal to workout in the new year. I’ve been trying to make this a habit since we moved to Utah. Instead of listing a specific amount of time I am going to spend in the gym, my goal is to do something physical. With the stage my family is in, our lives are busy. The gym is not always doable, but I know being active is something my body needs. So some days it may be playing at the park with my people. Some days might be going on a walk as a family. As long as my body is up + moving and heading in the direction of regular exercise, I’m happy.

…Read My Scriptures Daily

This is another huge factor in starting my day off with the right mindset. When I take the time to stop + focus on reading for even 10 minutes, my day always seems to go better. It helps me start the day with a more positive outlook. It seems to clear my head from all the unnecessary stresses.  I know not all of you have a religion you follow. This same idea could be applied with reading or meditation too.

…Be Present

As much as I love + rely on my phone for my job, it is a huge distraction in my life. More often than I’d like to admit, I find myself half listening to my little people while I’m trying to finish up something on my phone. I love staying connected to friends + family and my Instagram community. But being present and 100% there for my people is so much more important. Scheduling work requirements during naps and when my big people are at school so I’m ready to mom when they are there is probably my biggest goal this year. They are growing faster than I can handle and I don’t want to miss a second of it because I’m glued to a screen.

For me, my goals are about small achievable improvements. Things that will help  me to be a better mom, wife, and friend. I don’t do things that put too much stress or pressure on me, because who needs more stress?! A few of this years goals are even ones I’ve had in the past, but know they are things that could still use work, so I carry them over. So I wanna know, what are some of your goals for 2018?!

xx kails


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two − one =

  1. I think this is where you said to leave a question
    1. How are you skinny even after having 5 kids
    2. Can you do a tour for your home
    3. What was that toy closet you were talking about I love the idea but don’t get what you meant can you explain?
    I hope you get back to my questions. I been following you for while and always look forward to what your posting
    Thank you

  2. Hi Kailee, I just love your Instagram and your blog so much! ❤️ I just had my 4th baby a few days ago and it’s been hard on me. I am definitely struggling with the balance thing, especially during bedtime. He’s not loving the dock a tot like I had hoped So 2 big goals for me this year are to give myself grace and to not get hung up on the small stuff. You provide such helpful insight about motherhood, positive with a good dose of reality! Thanks for being such an inspiration! Please don’t ever stop blogging

    1. Kristi! This may just be the sweetest + kindest comment I’ve ever received. Thank you so much! I think as mom’s those type of goals are the very best. Give ourselves a little more credit. We are doing an amazing job at this crazy thing called motherhood. Sending extra love and good vibes your way!


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