me: top + jeans + slides || hunter: stripe top + jeans + slides || hudson: t-shirt + shorts (similar) + vans || hayden: romper + sandals || houston: tee + joggers + vans || harper: outfit set + headband
Today is a pretty special day over here in our little world! It is my birthday! While I’m off celebrating somewhere that is completely unknown to me as I write this, because its a birthday surprise from Joe, I thought it would be fun to share 35 super random + fun facts about me with all of you, in hopes of helping you get to know me just a little better! I’m not a big fan of the spotlight, but I tried to include things from my childhood, favorites, funny memories, and even some embarrassing ones, so you can learn a little more about me! I think a few of them will come as a complete surprise, and I hope we can still be friends! Haha ! Enjoy!
- I absolutely LOVE being pregnant! If it were possible, I would do Labor + Delivery every day and LOVE it!
- Vacuum lines in carpet are pretty much my idea of heaven.
- I would choose Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips over Milk Chocolate Chips any day of the week.
- When I find a yummy restaurant I love, I am 100% loyal, and maybe even a little obsessed. I will put it on repeat and never get sick of it. Some that have made this repeat list are Red Iguana, Cubby’s, Protein House, and Cafe Rio. Yummmm!
- I prefer Pepsi over Coke/Diet Coke 100%. Like I probably couldn’t drink one without gagging if you asked.
- When I was 12, I used to go Deer Hunting with my dad. Now I can’t even imagine doing that!
- I’ve known Joe since I was 13 and knew I was gonna marry him as soon as we met. You can read all about “our story” here.
- I absolutely despise lettuce…and most vegetables for that matter. Eating lettuce makes me feel like a rabbit and it is just not good!
- After seeing our room reveals, you may already know this one about me. I might be diagnosed with a pillow obsession. They are by far my favorite thing to decorate and accessorize with, and they are taking over my house! I can’t get enough!
- Doing my makeup in the car is completely normal for me and happens about 90% of the time. We are on the go a lot and it is so much easier to quickly do it while everyone is strapped in! It usually takes a quick 5 minutes. No I don’t do it while driving.
- My first car I bought by myself was a Black Toyota Tacoma. I saved up and paid all cash for it.
- One of my favorite snacks is a quesadilla dipped in peach baby food. Yes you read that right. Don’t knock it till you try it, you’ll be hooked too!
- In High School I kissed one of Joe’s brothers (it was a dare). He will never ever let me forget it.
- I function so much better in a clean and organized space. I once had a blessing that said I need neatness and organization so I’m not going to argue.
- When Joe and I first got married, I gained 10 pounds because we lived right across the street from the best ice cream shop. We would walk over alllll the time and stock our freezer by the quart to make shakes every night. It was worth it.
- My favorite color is definitely black. An all black outfit is one of my favorite go to looks for so many reasons.
- I still wear a toe ring I got back in Middle School every day. I’ve only taken it off twice for 2 surgeries.
- The last few years I’ve turned into a major plant lady and want them in every room in my house. Going to the nursery has quickly become my happy place.
- Smoothies are one of my favorite things, but I absolutely cannot stand the texture of most fruits.
- I went to Cosmetology School and have done hair for the past 17 years. I currently only really do it for family + friends, but it is something I love and hope to always do.
- I’ve had a job since I was 14. I can’t imagine not continuously doing some kind of work that keeps my brain going and challenges me to learn more every day.
- I think I’m ready to design + build another house! Hahahah! Joe would die! I learned so much! Sooo who wants to hire me?! haha!
- You will never find our freezer without ice cream. I’m sure that’s not a big surprise about me. Joe + I share an addiction and have passed it down to all our little people.
- All of my guy friends called me “kails” in high school. I even had a license plate that said it thanks to my dad.
- I coached High School Cheer for 3 years and loved it!!
- In addition to loving a clean space, I am obsessed with organizing. I’m talking down to every single sock drawer and pantry cupboard. It makes me so happy.
- Gimme allll the Mexican Food. If I have a choice of what I want to eat, it’s almost always Mexican Food. You can never have enough guac right?!
- I played Volleyball, Softball, Soccer, and Danced all growing up. Dance + Cheer won in High School, but I still love all of them and it’s so fun to watch my own little people now.
- I was born and raised in St. George all the way through college and could’ve stayed there my whole life. Joe’s schooling (medical school) is what took us across the country and away from our home town. Although that first year was one of the hardest of my life, I am so incredibly grateful for the experiences we had that made us closer as a couple + family, and for the people we met and amazing life long friendships we made.
- I recently started getting into podcasts and am loving them! Not sure how I went so long without them. So now I need to know alllll of your favorites!
- Joe and I are still such good friends with our friends from High School and love getting together with them.
- Besides Ice Cream, Chocolate + Graham Crackers are one of my can’t resist treats.
- I am the oldest of 3 girls and they are my very best friends!! Don’t know what I’d do without them.
- My “momiform” is for sure my got to outfit, when I actually get ready. I love a good pair of jeans that fit just right + a great basic tee! So easy to dress up or down and be able to move around in, while still feeling comfy and put together.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little about me, and still accept me, crazy truths and all! I am so grateful for this little community. You’ve give me some of the best advice and been here with me through a lot of ups and downs! So I just wanted to thank you all for your support and can’t wait to see what this coming year has in store for this space.
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