3 On The Go Summer Survival Tips - Kailee Wright
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3 On The Go Summer Survival Tips

Kailee Wright_GoGo Squeeze

dresssimilar  |  sandals  |  sunnies  |  bag  |  GoGo SqueeZ Applesauce |  Hayden: dress + bow  |  Houston: tee + shorts  |  carseat

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I don’t know about you guys, but for us ever since we hit the last day of school things have been non-stop!! Whether it’s family vacations, kids sports games + practices, or play dates with friends, summer is BUSY with five little people!

I’ve been getting asked a lot lately how we fit in all of the fun (and sometimes not so fun) things in our schedule with 5 little people, without losing our minds or patience. So today I’m sharing my Top 3 On the Go Summer Survival Tips that will help you get through the craziness and still keep a smile on everyone’s face!

Kailee Wright_GoGo Squeeze

. 3 summer survival tips .

1. Always have both my bag + van/car stocked with plenty of snacks! Kids always seem to be hungry, and you can never have too many snacks! Summer activities can come with a lot of unexpected waits. Whether its a bigger crowd at the Children’s Museum, or a traffic jam on the way to Nana’s House, you don’t always know when something will come up. My favorite snacks to have on hand are GoGo SqueeZ Applesauce Pouches. My kids absolutely love them!! I’m sure most of your people do too. These pouches are a game changer. I feel good letting them snack on them knowing they’re healthy and made with 100% fruit! And bonus, they are practically mess free!! (you know me and being clean) haha!

2. Plan your timing around naps whenever possible! Nap time can be crucial to the whole family’s happiness. This tip isn’t always possible with games + practices scheduled at specific times, but when I can help it, outings are planned around naps! Also, I try to have everything we will need for the days activities packed and ready the night before. That way we can be up early and ready to go first thing before afternoon naps roll around. Plus, we tend to avoid the bigger crowds in the mornings too! So keep this in mind makes for happier kids and a much easier adventures!

3. Don’t over plan your day! I think sometimes, as we think summer is only 3 months long, so we need to make sure our kids experience every single thing possible or we will somehow ruin their childhood, haha! This is not the case, and my people are always happiest when we keep things simple! We still try to accomplish our Family Bucket List, but  schedule things according to what we can handle. If you have little guys you probably can’t hit the museum, have a pool party, and go mini golfing all in the same day. I try to choose one fun “event” a day, and my kids are just as excited and end up having more fun than when we over do it.

I hope these tips are helpful and get you a little more excited to conquer all of that summer fun! I’d love to hear your #1 summer survival tip!!

xx – kails

Kailee Wright_GoGo SqueezeKailee Wright_GoGo Squeeze Kailee Wright_GoGo Squeeze

in partnership with GoGo SqueeZ Applesauce

photos: corissa ann


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  1. I always carry a bag of snacks for my kids with me too. These GoGo Squeez sound really good and I love that they are a healthy snack.

    1. Snacks are such a life saver with littles! These GoGo Squeez have been amazing because I can even hand one back to Houston and he can do it all himself (mess free!) while we are driving!

  2. Great tips, I would always plan our activities in the morning when my kids were refreshed so by the time we got home and had lunch they were tired and ready for a nap.

    1. Love that! Sometimes by the time we finish running around I’m ready for a nap too so its a win win! haha!

  3. I think one would be to create, ahead of time, various, creative activities to help keep the kids from being bored.
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

    1. Love this idea so much! Preparation ahead of time helps so much!! Thank you for your sweet feedback and for following along here!

  4. My number one survival summer tip is to make sure to have activities planned for the kids. If not they will be glued to their devices. It is a must.

  5. My #1 summer survival tip is to always take a cooler with a couple ice packs and some bottled water. Then we always have cold water with us an don’t have to buy any.

  6. Always have activities planned, like visiting the library. That was my kid’s favorite outing.
    westiemks5 at yahoo dot com

    1. Love that one and it is always one I forget! My kids would love that, especially right now when most of our books are packed away!


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